
Outfit Post: Thrifted Dorothy Perkins Summer Dress

Hi everyone!! I hope you all had a gorgeous weekend- we are currently experiencing a heatwave-YAY!!-the weather is totally wonderful and I will not complain loudly that it's too hot. To remedy this, I invested in a kiddies paddling pool for the back garden-perfect for cooling off the legs and toes!!
Stylewise on Saturday I wore a new purchase from last week which I thrifted-a cute little cotton summer dress from a neighbouring town's Cancer Research charity shop for just £4.50. It's by DorothyPerkins and the detailing is amazing. On the bodice is metal sequins and embroidery detailing and the cute tassel belt ensured I had to snap the dress up!

A close up of the details:

The work on the bodice is so 70s style and is my favourite part of the dress

I am quite short of cotton dresses that are around knee length, so this was a welcome addition to the wardrobe and is so cool and comfortable too:

I am linking this post to NotDeadYetStyle.com for the lovely Patti's Visible Monday.

I hope you all have a wonderful week to come and I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine too!


That's Not My Age said...

That's a very cute dress & I like the detail too. Looks great with the metallic sandals.

Vix said...

That dress is lovely, accessorised to perfection! x

hippyatheart said...

really a wonderful, hippie-tastic dress and I love the sandals!

Patti said...

Lovely dress, and lovely you. It's perfect for the wilting summer days. Thanks for sharing your look with Visible Monday!

Unknown said...

great dres hun and those sandals are fab!



Ofelia said...

This Dorothy Perkins dress looks fantastic on you and the price was such a bargain!

J. said...

This is so cute, and actually, pretty unusual! Great find!

Unknown said...

Look at you, all smiling and adorable. Very, very sweet summery dress with a silver sandal to elevate the styling! Ha! I understand that summer is finally reaching your part of the world ... you look ready for an evening music festival, or drinks at the cafe!

www.janetteria.com said...

Love that ethnic look!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-such lovely comments, thank you all so much xx

Unknown said...

OMG I think this is one of my all-time favorite outfits you've worn (although that's not easy to say because I love pretty much everything you wear lol!) ... but this is SUCH a quintessential California Girl look! You look like you should be strolling along Santa Monica Pier in a big 'ol pair of sunglasses, chatting away on a cellphone! ^_^ I love it!

Maddie said...

Such a beautiful dress! :) Looks perfect for summer! :)



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