
Outfit Post: Fluffy Tartan & Leopardprint with an Unintentional Pout!

Hi everyone!! I hope you all had a lovely weekend, I didn't really get up to much, but I had a fabulous lie in on Saturday morning till past 11am- indulging in some Classic FM, two red velvet cupcakes and a steaming hot mug of coffee-courtesy of my boys as my breakfast in bed, well it's got to be done every now and then!!

I've been using some of my thrift budget to get leather boots re-heeled and coats dry cleaned in preparation for Winter.  It's great to buy new or thrifted items for this coming season but it's also important to look after what's already in the wardrobe and this helps to prolong the life of existing pieces and bring to life forgotten items that have languished at the bottom of the closet waiting to be repaired or professionally cleaned. I'm on at eldest son to put aside some of his wages to take a few jackets to the cleaners at the end of the month to save him wearing other jackets over and over again. 

Anyhow, my outfit for Saturdays chores in town was as follows:

My trusty black and white tweed coat that I thrifted a few months ago has proved invaluable and I'm wearing it so much lately. I'm also wearing my newly thrifted faded Levi's jeans and a couple of new items-a fluffy tartan Primark scarf which I totally love-it's so cosy and big and was just £5. I'm also wearing some Topshop leopardprint chelsea boots that I found on ebay last month for less than £20 and are like slippers, just so comfortable and add a fun pop of colour too! My grey sweater is a fairly new thrift find too and was from my local towns British Heart Foundation charity shop for just £3.99 earlier this month.

I had to add this photo, when I saw it it made me laugh as I was really not intending to do a 'pout pose' but as it's not too contrived I thought I'd show it, lol!!

I'm linking this post to the lovely Patti at NotDeadYetStyle for Visible Monday and the lovely Claire-Justine for her Creative Monday blog hop. Do try to check out both of these wonderful blogs, they are so inspiring and regularly share so many other creative and stylish bloggers from all around the world!!

Wishing you all a great week ahead- be warned, it's getting colder so wrap and layer up nice and toasty!!


Rebecca said...

That fluffy tartan scarf is VERY "cool"!

You're so right about taking care of what's in the closet or drawers to get more life out of them. This is more important than ever in our economy (at least for me)!

By the way, those two red velvet cupcakes and the way you spent your morning sounds positively delightful :)

Vix said...

Loving the pout and those leopard boots.
You're right, it is important not to neglect what's already in the cupboard, my boots are already at the cobblers with another pair to drop off when I collect them. x

Patti said...

Great reminder about caring for what we do have! Your new boots are awesome and your scarf is the perfect finish. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday.

Mrs C said...

Honestly I am not so much into leopard print clothing but I don't mind scarfs and other accessories like those shoes! Very cute!


CuratingMi said...

Super cool outfit Sharon......amazing coat which is just perfect with the fluffy tartan scarf! Snap to you too on the scarf front......isn't it amazing for a fiver??!! x

Unknown said...

Fantastic look, the jacket is just perfect and goes perfectly with the scarf, such a great buy!



Style At Every Age said...

I've got my eye on those boots for sure, love them Sharon. Amazed you got them for that price, I always find Topshop stuff gets bid up high. I'm surprised you had time for Saturdays chores by the time you got up lol xx

Unknown said...

Hi, Sharon. I love every single thing you're wearing...but especially that coat and scarf. Perfect for staying warm on these cooler days.

Claire Justine said...

Great look Sharon, love your jacket :)

www.janetteria.com said...

Fantastic coat, Sharon! So timeless!

Anonymous said...

You look lovely and cosy and comfortable - just the thing for running errands. I missed finding the right the grey coat so will have to make do with *cough* my other coats :-) Well I tend to wear a lot of grey anyway so perhaps a coat on top would be a bit too much. Love the tartan and leopard slippers!

hippyatheart said...

That sccarf and these boots are phantastic and so much on trend now! great finds, as always :)

Unknown said...

I can't get over that you had two red velvet cupcakes for breakfast and still look as svelte as you do! You have my eternal admiration. Seriously.
Looking pretty darling, as well, in your tweedy coat ... very of the moment, you fashionista. The pout is beyond cute ... you look like you're considering the next move in your plot to take over the world!
Have a great week ... I LOVED this post.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your kind words and lovely comments, as always they mean a lot and are much appreciated xxx

miss b said...

The coat is lovely and you found a scarf which is just perfect with it. Cosy yet stylish too!

citizen rosebud said...

I'm always a fan of tartan with leopard. You rock.

Claire Justine said...

Aww you tweeted me before I got chance to say your featured haha, Your featured this week at Creative Mondays Sharon hehe thanks for linking up :)

two birds said...

that sounds like a great weekend! breakfast in bed is perfect! i love your cozy outfit...those shoes are so fun!

Unknown said...

That coat is gorgeous & I'm loving your pout! Lol! Ax


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