
The Winter Tag!

The lovely Andrea at CousCousandcorkWedges has tagged me in The Winter Tag.
The rules of the tag are:
Share 12 random facts about yourself.
Answer the 12 questions.

List 12 bloggers you wish to tag and pass the tag on by letting them know you've nominated them. However I've decided that my Winter Tag is open for anyone who wishes to participate as being such a busy time of year you may well decide to take part before or after Christmas on this one!!

My 12 Random Facts:

1. I've just started a new job-hurrah!! I am now officially a library assistant and I work in different sections and different libraries within my borough-plus, I actually love it too as I get to work with adults and children and do a variety of different things each time I'm there!

2. I love Made in Chelsea-it's my guilty pleasure and I love how my eldest son pitches up with me every episode to tune in!

3. I have a scarf addiction which seems to be growing each week-it doesn't matter if it's vintage, a boot sale or charity shop find, a high street or designer buy I show no preferential treatment to whichever one catches my eye!!

4. I also have a jeans addiction- 27 pairs at my last count-gulp! I love skinny jeans, bootcut, straight, slim and flares as well as coloured jeans too!

5. My favourite flavour tea is Twinings Lapsang Souchong, it's really smoky and I love it strong and hot. 

6. I love music- all genres but my favourites are late 70s pop and disco and classical music.

7. I love reading too but I just need more time to get into my books- if I'm relaxing I still tend to surf the net a little too often!

8. I went on the Orient Express for my mums 75th birthday to Deal- it was an amazing experience which I would love to repeat!

9. I don't do ornaments- I really am not a knick-knack or bric a brac type of gal- it could be having a small house with two boys was generally the main reason but now they're older I still don't hanker over having items like these dotted around the house!

10. I don't like cooking and prefer to let hubby do it, but when I do my favourite meals to make are curries and roasts.

11. I love potatoes-jackets and roast ones are my favourites.

12. The last time I had my hair cut short was the last time I will ever have it short- I sort of regretted it and it seemed to take an age to grow out too!

And the questions:

1. What are your favourite things about winter?
I love choosing what winter coat or jacket I'm going to wear and it gives me an excuse to stockpile my scarves!

2. What is your favourite winter outfit?
My black and white tweed oversized wool jacket, skinny jeans and Dune biker ankle boots with a sweater underneath and of course my scarf du jour!!

3. What is your favourite winter food?
Home made soup and home made shepherds pie.

4. What is your favourite winter drink?
Mulled Wine!

5. How do you like your make up in the winter?
I only wear blusher and that's the same year round!

6. What are you hoping Santa brings you?
I wouldn't say no to a nice bottle of perfume!

7. What is your favourite winter scent?
I love the smells of comfort foods cooking in the oven.

8. What is your favourite winter memory?
When everyone bundled up and made a beeline for the garden to build snowmen and throw snowballs!

9. What is your dream way to spend a winters day?
Under my fleecy blanket on the sofa, with some classical music playing and reading my current favourite book.

10. What are the first 3 things that remind you of winter?
Starting to wear gloves and hats, layering up and making up hot water bottles!

11. What is your favourite winter song?
I love hearing any hymns being played on the radio, especially Christmas ones.

12. Finish this sentence.....If I could have one Christmas wish it would be....
To be somewhere hot for a change!

I hope you enjoyed reading these random facts about me and please let me know if you do the tag in my comments so I can come and check you out too! Wishing you a great week ahead!


Mrs C said...

It is nice to get to know you better with all these facts! How lucky that your Mr does the cooking! :)All the best with the new job sweetie :)

MRS JACK OF ALL TRADES (a fashion and life-style blog)

Anne said...

Congrats on the new job Sharon!I am just wondering where I would be able to store 27 pairs of jeans!lol
~Anne xx

Style At Every Age said...

Your new job sounds really interesting, well done! MIC is also my guilty pleasure, in fact I have a list of them!

Vix said...

Congratulations on the new job, I've never met a librarian who wasn't fun! x

Kezzie said...

OOoh, congratulations on the job!!! That's super news! So nice to read all your facts!x

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for your well wishes, it really means a lot!! xxx

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for keeping the tag going Sharon! <3 Many congratulations on the new job! Its sounds brilliant! Its so great reading all of your wonderful facts & getting to know more about you! Ax


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