
Scarf Fever.....My Current Obesessions of the Moment

Hi everyone! I hope you've all had a great week, it really feels like it has flown by-which is a good thing, being on the cusp of the weekend! I've been really good this week with getting myself organised- putting things on ebay, filing away months old paperwork and bills and getting round to my 'to do' list of ringing around companies that I've been putting off doing. Just when I think all the current bills have been sorted and paid for, I get a reminder from the DVLA for the road tax due at the end of the month- so any style items in double figures that I've been eyeing up will either have to come out of ebay sales or just wait.

So with this in mind I indulged this week in one of my two style obsessions-scarves. My other obsession is denim and jeans but my scarf addiction is currently the one that has been taking over recently.

With my love of leopardprint showing no signs of abating I had to get a scarf that featured it in big print and the viscose one below was just £4 from the scarf man in our local shopping centre. I'm now lusting over a tiny print one so that may well make an appearance in the wardrobe over the weekend if I venture back into town-highly likely!

My other purchase earlier this week was this 100% French navy pashmina scarf by Tie Rack from my local Sue Ryder charity shop for just £3.99. I have quite a lot of printed scarves so for a plain one to appear is just perfect- I have a plain black wool pashmina scarf and it's so versatile and stylish and for me a necessity to have so I'm sure the navy one will be worn loads. The bright pink pashmina is one pulled out of my summer scarf collection and put with the Autumn scarves. I won't be doing the pink coat/jacket trend this season (unless I spy a fabulous vintage one of course) so this scarf will add a great pop of colour on days when I fancy something vibrant on:

What are your style obsessions at the moment? Are they items that can comfortably fit into the budget or are you saving for something in particular or special?

Wishing you all a lovely weekend whatever you get up to, I'm going to try and get stuck into at least one of my books in the reading pile- which has since grown due to some library books borrowed midweek (not sure why I can't cope with what I've got, but hey-ho!). I may even venture out for a little thrifting trip too, my budget of £5 to £10 a week can really reap dividends if I'm lucky!! 


Melissa said...

Love this! I'm a little obsessed with scarves too. You've inspired me to get a few tasks done this weekend. I'm going to make space in my scarf drawer for some news ones :)x

Unknown said...

Olá Sharon

Now, my obsession are about summer clothes, because in my country is spring and I'm preparing to the summer time.


Vix said...

You know it's winter when the scarf man sets up his stall in our shopping centre. The bright pink one's lovely!
My obsessions never change whatever the season, I've just found a 1960s pink Polynesian sleeveless maxi in a chazza, I'm happy! x

Adriana Carmen said...

I love scarves! they always complete an outfit!

Unknown said...

In my dreams I am saving up for a Saint Laurent Pea coat! In reality I think it is going to be the Jigsaw one!! xx

J. said...

So funny, I am really into scarves at the moment too, I've bought like 5 or 6 new ones this season already!

www.janetteria.com said...

Love that leopard scarf!

Kezzie said...

I wish that dodgy shop by Harrison and Gibsons was still there that sold pashminas for a pound. I fancied an orange one! X

Style At Every Age said...

In my dreams it's a 2.55 and a pair of Rockstuds, instead I bought my daughter her wedding dress today, so as usual I get nothing! x

Sharon said...

Hi everyone- I love reading your fabulous comments, thanks as always for stopping by xxx


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