
The One That Nearly Got Away....Reviewing potential Ebay sales

Hi everyone! I hope you've all been having a lovely weekend- the weather has been so temperamental and the mini summer heatwave from last week is beginning to feel like a distant memory!!

Like many fellow bloggers I do every now and then review my wardrobe as to what is in, what is out, what goes to the charity shop and what can be sold on ebay. I think with the hot weather coming early on in the season, I have been concentrating on sorting out my summer wardrobe and filling it with thrifted pieces such as dresses, shorts and shirts and also summer inspired patterned jackets.

I've been purging things that aren't me and that I appear to have more than one of too. Recent sales on ebay have included a rain jacket and trenchcoat- however much I feel I want a trenchcoat in my wardrobe it's the one item over the years that I don't feel is me and therefore doesn't get worn. Another jacket that was put on the sales list was this River Island melton wool cream biker jacket which I had bought about this time last year but upto last week had not worn! So a couple of weeks ago it got listed on ebay but with the weather turning wet and windy and with a slight chill in the air, I tried it on to see whether I wanted to still keep it or not:

I found that after wearing it for a trip into town it proved to be the perfect cover up as it's so light to wear but the wool content gives some warmth. I paired it with my thrifted Reiss bleached skinny jeans which are from my local Sue Ryder charity shop and were £2 and the recently bought thrifted espadrille canvas slides:

I'm not really sure if the pleather/leather sleeve look is still 'on trend' or not, but the jacket when paired with simple basics such as a plain black tee and jeans is a perfect mid season style staple for my wardrobe so it was taken off ebay and put back into the wardrobe!

Do you review clothes that you spontaneously edit from your wardrobe before they reach the charity shop or a new buyers shopping basket on ebay? I definitely can be too eager to get rid of some things as I donated a tee which although I'd rejected as a working day item would have been perfectly adequate as a lounging piece with leggings-c'est la vie!!

Wishing you all a really great week ahead whatever you get upto!!


Busyvintagebee said...

I really like the jacket!
I feel like I'm on a constant "purge" of my wardrobe! I will always find 1 or 2 things to pull out to sell on ebay but like you if I don't sell them straight away they usually end up being tried on again and kept! Oh well!
By the way, could you give me your ebay username? I'd love to have a browse :) Sophie

Sharon said...

Hi Sophie!! Thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment, my eBay is ladylovesvintage69 but I've not got any new items listed as yet! x

Vix said...

I remember you buying that jacket, it looks great, I'm surprised you haven't worn it before!
I'm always selling my wardrobe - I had a rush on maxi skirts at Saturday's fair so I've taken some lesser worn ones out for next week! x

Style At Every Age said...

I think the jacket looks really good Sharon and perfect for this inclement weather where it is warm one minute, cold the next! Hope you are enjoying the Bank Holiday xx

Unknown said...

I do enjoy a good old clear out, but just sometimes,I wish I had kept a few things! I have a friend who never throws anything away, her wardrobe is like a museum of fashion, I love to see what she has kept over the years xx

Unknown said...

I do enjoy a good old clear out, but just sometimes,I wish I had kept a few things! I have a friend who never throws anything away, her wardrobe is like a museum of fashion, I love to see what she has kept over the years xx

Unknown said...

I do enjoy a good old clear out, but just sometimes,I wish I had kept a few things! I have a friend who never throws anything away, her wardrobe is like a museum of fashion, I love to see what she has kept over the years xx

Perdita Tinsel said...

I bag mine and wait a couple of months, just in case I realise I needed something! Then it goes to the shop.

Please may I? said...

Thats a great jacket, I;m amazed you hadn't worn it. Perfect with jeans.

X x

CuratingMi said...

Don't part with that jacket Sharon....it's gorgeous!! I often do a little wardrobe cull and stick bits and bobs on eBay to fund new purchases! I do get fed up with things so it's good to rotate purchases now and again! Mind you, you know the clanger of the mistake I made eBaying my Birkenstock Gizeh's last year! Still pinching myself that you managed to find a replacement! Can't thank you enough for those xx

Kezzie said...

I find it hard to cull items from my wardrobe as I love having a choice. That is a really nice gilet v stylish and useful. I'm not really bothered by what is in or not, I'm too set in my own dressing ways!! X

www.janetteria.com said...

Love love love that jacket!

Avenue 57 said...

LOVE those jeans, I want them!

Anonymous said...

So glad you decided to hang on to the jacket, it really suits you. As do those jeans, what a gorgeous shade of blue and a fab cut too! I still have serious shoe envy though, I have real trouble finding anything other than utility type shoes in my size, secondhand!

Anonymous said...

HI Sharon - I often get rid of stuff to make way for new, but if I find myself hesitating over a particular item, I always tend to keep it rather than get rid. I still hanker after a pair of thrifted boots I sold several years ago - two weeks after I sold them, I found a pair of trousers that they would have gone perfectly with! x

S said...

i probably do a massive closet cleanout once a year and when i do i'm pretty brutal about it. if you think about it we don't really "need" anything more than what we already have - i tried once to edit before i list and it's incredibly hard to part with anything!

steph / absolutely-fuzzy.com

Applebypie said...

I need to have a wardrobe clear out again - my e.bay selling has not been happening lately and I usually use that to fund new purchases! Love this jacket. X

Unknown said...

That jacket is such a keeper Sharon! I'm so glad you didn't get rid of it! I agree with the trench too & sold one last year as it never felt like me either! Ax

Anonymous said...

That jacket is great on you Sharon! You made the right choice to keep it, I think it's a modern classic. xx

Sharon said...

Hi lovely ladies!! Thanking you all so much for your positive vibes on the jacket I don't think I'll be selling it now!! Your comments are always so lovely and welcoming, thanks so much to you all xx


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