

I have been tagged today by Mo at Commeunrenard and Karima at VintageVienna, so here goes!!

5 things in my Gucci bag today-

Fendi purse, nail file, mobile phone, glasses cloth and keys.

5 things in my purse are- Bank card, savings card, Tesco clubcard, gold £1 coins and silver coins-ha ha!!

5 favourite things in my room- My bed, my wardrobe full of clothes, my husband at night, my perfumes and my books.

5 things I want to do are- see Sex and the City by Monday, take my boys to see Indiana Jones by Monday, save instead of spend (for a little while at least!), enjoy some summer sun when it decides to come back again, be with my mum on Friday to celebrate her birthday

5 things I'm into are-Sourcing quality vintage fashion, renovating my blog, making and eating curries, Macdonalds crunchy deluxe macflurries and popping a multivitamin everyday.

5 impressions of lovely Mo:

She's a self confirmed Wittner-aholic, she's got extremely long legs-lucky gal, she looks so cool in hats, she's a deep thinker and she loves vintage.

5 impressions of lovely Karima:

She's a fellow thrifter-yay!!, she found a Missoni scarf whilst thrifting-SNAP, she loves fruit,
she loves interiors and she loves scarfs!!
Thanks gals-you are both now enrolled on my blogroll!!!


ellie said...

Good luck on saving money. It won't be easy..especially this summer. Enjoy the movies! Have more picnic at home & make strange sock and glove animals with your boys. From what I hear from our YA Lib. anything goes with crafts these days.

WendyB said...

I want a McFlurry now!

Sharon said...

Hi Ellie-thanks so much for your ideas!! Certainly in the August school holidays, picnics will feature regularly-both boys love being outdoors, so I'm sure bike rides and playing footie with their dad will feature highly too!

Hi Wendy-darn it, I need a fix too-but I've got an orange lolly out the freezer now!!

Anonymous said...

I have the same exact Gucci purse! It was inherited from my mother, but I dare not wear it out. Not just because it's so expensive (my grandmother gave it to her as a present from her trip to Italy) but because it's far too small. & you know how I feel about small purses. ;]

Sharon said...

Wow Apricot-thats so cool we have the same bag!!! Because I bought mine thrifting at the boot sale and it had been well used, I'm not afraid to use it really, as it's already broken in!! I like to use this style as an over body bag and then use a big tote for all my other toot!


I always have lipgloss handy in mine :)

Sharon said...

Thanks, fashion chalet-I'm not a lippy girl, I'm afraid!! I don't really wear make up at all, except if I'm going out I might wear some blusher!

ellie said...

thank you so much for the comment. i just enjoy characters perhaps probably too much. thanks for the encouragement.

Tha BossMack TopSoil said...

Lovely babygurl, Love tha Bag and tha Concept of this post.

Secretista said...

I too wanna see SATC before Monday!

Alice @Ogni cosa bella è viola said...

Hi Sharon! I love too be tagged!
So i'm also frantic waiting for tomorrow, me and girls will be the first to enter at cinema, i guess. I can't absolutely lost the opportunity to see SATC the movie before to leave for Milan!


Pamela Tan said...

i should learn how to take multivitamins! :)

alloftheabove said...

I REALLY REALLY love your bag. and I also cant wait to see the Sex in the City movie!!!!

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-keep up the good work!!

Hi tha bossmack topsoil!! Thanks for your kind comments and stopping by my blog!!

Hi secretista-well Indiana Jones is today, so hopefully SATC will be Friday or Saturday!!

Hi alice-oh, I can't wait too!! Ha ha, if you want to be tagged I will tag you!!

Hi pammish-I've been taking one a day for a month plus evening primrose oil capsules and I can honestly say it's making a difference!!

Thanks all of the above-I can't wait too!!

Ida said...

Love the new look of the site!
And I want to see SatC by Monday, too:))
Enjoy your day, dearest Sharon!

Sharon said...

Thank so much dear Ida-you have a lovely day too-I'm hoping to see Indiana Jones with little Robert-ha ha!!

Anonymous said...

I love your vintage gucci purse. I still have a tote that belonged to my mother!!! I now see why the things are so expensive..the canvas material has held on beautifully! Also, it sounds like the 5 things in your purse are just thrown in there! If so..it's great to find another who's also done away with the wallet!

Unknown said...

you are fantastic!!!

a kiss for you, my dear friend!
god bless u dear

Sharon said...

Hi angie Goff-thanks for stopping by my blog!! Yep, thats me-throw everything in and hope it's enough-ha ha!!

Hi rohit-you are very kind-thanks so much!!

Marte said...

Now i have made a link to your blog on my blog:)

Sharon said...

Hi marte-adding you on my blogroll too!!


lovely bag. great vintage find...


Sharon said...

Thanks culture creators for stopping by my blog and thanks for your comment too!!

FB @ FabulouslyBroke.com said...

I love the bag too :)
I can't wait to see the movie - I ought to get on that

Fashion Is Poison said...

heart that bag!

Sharon said...

Hi fabulously broke-thank you-the SATC movie is a must if you're a fan!!

Hi inspire me today-thank you and thanks for stopping by my blog!!


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