
Supermarket Surprise!!

Todays outfit is a dress that I found in the Salvation Army last week and what drew me to it was the berry colours-very inspirational for Autumn. It can be worn with flat sandals in summer and I will wear it with tights, boots and a cardi in Autumn and Winter!!

When I first saw it I thought it was vintage, but on looking at the label it is by 'TU' which is Sainsburys supermarket fashion label! I really didn't want any more dresses, but the colour is so Autumnal, it will be a versatile item in my wardrobe, now my summer dresses have been laundered and stored away! Plus, for only £3.50, I couldn't say no!!


♔Jaimie said...

They berry colors look so good onyour skin!

Sharon said...

Hi jaimie-so lovely of you, thanks!

WendyB said...

Hey, has anything interesting arrived in the mail???

Sharon said...

Hi wendy- No, but it is a bank holiday today, so we don't get post-maybe I will get something special tomorrow or Wednesday, fingers crossed!!

Anonymous said...

great colors! i could also see this worn with a thick, braided belt!

Sharon said...

Hi cupcakes and cashmere-thanks so much-that could work, but the dress has a sewn in sash that ties round the back already!

Danz said...

This dress is so cute Sharon! The colours and pattern look beautiful on you!

Take care and have a great day :)

Sharon said...

Hi danz-always so lovely, thanks my dear!! have a great day too!


The print is so fun, and I love the length, it's perfect. xx

bronwyn said...

I really like this dress, it looks very boho chic:)

Anonymous said...

You made the right choice, lady. Love the deep v!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-thats so nice, thanks very much!!

Hi bronwyn-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment!!

Hi sal-always so lovely, thanks a lot!!


This dress looks fab! It suits you perfect!


Couture Carrie said...

Such a cute dress, Sharon! You are the master (mistress?) of amazing vintage finds :)


Human Racing said...

The print on the dress is really nice. I love the sandals too.

Sharon said...

Hi acielle-always so lovely, thanks a lot!!

Hi couture carrie-thanks for your lovely comment!!

Hi nay'chelle-thats so nice of you, thanks!!

Noormol said...

Very cute! I wish my supermarket had a fashion line!
I never thought berry colors were very autumn...thanks for opening my eyes!

Sharon said...

Hi ike-thanks for stopping by!!yes, rich reds, plums, purples and burgundy are just perfect for this Autumn!!

Anonymous said...

Very autumn.

Make Do Style said...

A bargain - I need to go and look for some bargains...

Sharon said...

Hi b-thanks so much!!

Hi kate-a great idea-good luck hunting!!

Style Spot said...

such a beautiful dress, I love it!


Sharon said...

Hi sunniva-thats so kind, thanks a lot!!

Siljesfashion said...

Love the color and pattern, such a beauiful dress! And a bargain, again! Thank you for your lovely comment, it means so much to me!

Sydney said...

oh what an adorable mini dress!

i love your taste!

MĂ³nica said...

wow, I love it! what a bargain! especially for winter with opaque tights!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

What a great find. I wish we had such wonderful vintage opportunities here Sydney. You look great!


AsianCajuns said...

Genius find! I can't believe that is from Sainsburys- our grocery stores certainly don't carry anything that good. You look lovely, and the versatility is amazing!

Pamela Tan said...

WOW thats a great dress!! i especially love the V-neck :)

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks so much and you're so welcome!!

Hi sydney speel-thanks so much, so kind!!

Hi atelier-thanks a lot, I am pleased with it!!

Hi lenya-thanks my dear, thats a shame you don't have many vintage or thrifting places where you live :-(

Hi asiancajuns-thanks girls, lovely as ever!!

Hi pam-what a sweetie, thanks my dear!!

Anonymous said...

Your gladiators are amazing )))

Hugs from Angel.

Sharon said...

Hi angel-thanks so much!!

Fashion Is Poison said...

the print on this dress is perfect and you look fabulous in it! i love the shape of the dress.

Sharon said...

Hi fashion is poison-thanks so much, so nice of you!

Anonymous said...

love the color and the print! and you really rock the dress so well

Sharon said...

Hi p-always so lovely-thanks a lot!!

Tricia said...

thank goodness you bought this, it's perfect on you! you find the best deals.

Sharon said...

Hi fashion herald-thanks so much for your lovely comment!

Fashion_Girl22 said...

Lovely outfit. Its very Gucci! Very Resort 2009, Spring 2007, Fall 2008 all in one. Pefect styling.

Sharon said...

Hi fashion girl22-What a gorgeous comment, thanks very much!!


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