
High Street Bargain of the Week!

As a rule, I generally don't 'do' high street stores, mainly because I will thrift for what I want in the charity shops or the boot sales. When I do want something in particular, then it is obviously easier to hit the shops. I wanted some neon skinny belts, so I went to the first place that seems to be bang on trend for most things-Primark.

Neon pink and lime skinny belts, £1 each, Primark
I don't generally shop in Primark on a regular basis, but do like to check it out once in a while, as they have trendy fashionable items at such cheap prices. These belts will break up an all black outfit, go with denim and also white in summer too!
Whats been your best bargain for spring or summer so far?


WendyB said...

Those are great and you can't beat the price.

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-cheap and cheerful does the job, thanks my dear!

paanie said...

can't wait to see how you wear them sharon. no bargains yet, but i'm trying to save up for something special to come!

Anonymous said...

very cool and what a price!

Thanks so much for the comment.

Happy Green day!

Anonymous said...

Very nice price! & so cute!

Anonymous said...

Those are fantastic! Can't wait to see them in action.

Couture Carrie said...

Love your new acquisitions!

Hint: if you buckle them to each other, you can make a double wrap belt!


www.janetteria.com said...

Oh, I agree with CC! Double belt! Good idea!

Great bargain, Sharon Rose!

xoxo: Janet

Emma x said...

Fab belts. I have to say i do love a bit of primark! They will be perfect with white. x

Cate said...

Hi Sharon!
Nice belts you got there!
So far, I have thrifted (! I took an inspiration from you) a paisley blouse for summer, bought a skirt at Zara and then of course I have that white lace dress from Valentine's vintage internet shop, and I think those were my best buys for summer so far!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for the fab comments! Couture Carrie, thanks for a super idea and Cate, love the sound of your finds, lovely bargains!!

Siljesfashion said...

LOve CCs idea! My favorite buy so far is my white vintage Carolina Herrera jacket.

Anonymous said...

Oh Sharon! Those are awesome belts, and for such unbeatable price!
So, far the best bargain was a pair Roberto Vianni stilettos for about $30 = 12 quid


Unknown said...

Nice belts! As you say, you don't visit Primark often, I barely ever venture into a Peacocks shop, and was so delightfully surprised when I picked up an adorable floral summer dress for £15! Amazing!

Really fantastic blog xoxo

Winnie said...

I can't remember my latest bargain buy! Is that bad? Though I did pick up a skirt at Brick Lane market this weekend for a mere £13 which is awesome by my standards!

Seeker said...

Wow, great belts!!!! Love them, I want the pink one....


Angela said...

S that is very pretty, super savvy!

Marian said...

Those are a bargain and perfect for this season honey! neon is huge this season. Love both colours!
muah x

shopinchic said...

Who doesn't love a great bargain?
There are terrific finds! And I
love the colors too.

jess said...

Those are such fun colors. I haven't found any bargains yet. Unless getting 11 yards of fabric for 6 bucks counts.

Deb said...

Hi Sharon! Great belts and great price! I remember having belts like these LONG YEARS AGO LOL!!! They were colored metallics. Deb

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the note. I suppose the weather is probably warming up there. Hope you had a safe St. Patrick's day.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for your lovely comments, look forward to seeing all your fab bargains hopefully!

Anonymous said...

great find as ALWAYS skinny belts are so great

Anonymous said...

Those are TOTALLY cute! I could see those decorating a variety of outfits. what a great find! :)

I still can't believe neon is making a comback!

Eri said...


Anonymous said...

these are great! What a steal as well :-)

Fashion Garden said...

cool belt ! i love neon colors !! alice


Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for the lovely comments, Christine, thanks for stopping by too!!!


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