
My Kimono

For an absolute age, I've been after a decent gown, instead of throwing on hubbys cast off jumpers of an evening to keep me warm, LOL!!

I found a little mini length kimono in the charity shop a few weeks back, but didn't buy it, even though it was only £1.50-goodness knows what I was thinking!! I went back for it a couple of days later, but of course it was gone-rule number one of thrifting which I broke to my cost-'If in doubt, DO buy it' Its rare a gem will be there when you go back for it.

So at the boot sale a couple of Sundays ago, I was pleased to see, laying in a heap, this gorgeous authentic Japanese silk kimono for only £1!!!

Its a great length for lounging about in and is reversible too!!

This was definitely my boot sale bargain of the month, as I doubt I'll be going back to one for this year-the season tends to wind down and in my area, they'll be finished around October.

So another item off the wishlist-and a unique buy at that!!


WendyB said...

I want to sing "My Kimono" to the tune of "My Sharona." Maybe I will! So there.

Gerri Ward said...

OMG! I can't believe it! I am sooo JEALOUS, this is AMAZING, it's solely GORGEOUS !!!!:)
p.s. Sharon Rose, YOU have to write a book on how YOU do it because it would be a #1 Seller in the WORLD!!!

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-I had a feeling you would be in a singing mood, LOL!!

Anonymous said...

i am back again where in Gods earth are these charirty shops and boot sales i live in Golders Green where the charity shops are quite expensive imagine norwood (a charity shop) actaully sold a coat for £500 and some rich pereson bought it and i kid you not

love home|life|style said...

What a bargain! You are so great at spotting things.

We have hardcore car boots sales round this way, they go right through to christmas, although I wouldn't fancy getting up at 6 on a sunday in the snow!

Caroline said...

Mmmm, lovely kimono. You've just reminded me that I've got a similar pale pink one that I bought years ago in Singapore. I MUST go and find it. Bet it doesn't fit me any more!

grownupchick.blogspot.com said...

Sharon Rose you are the queen! That is stunning.

Smashingbird said...

oooh, I really want a kimono, yours is gorge, an amazing bargain too!

Anonymous said...

Simply amazing! It looks like it's embroidered. Wow - I can't imagine the smug look on your face as you walked home with it:)Marika from Malta

loft in SoHo said...



Anonymous said...

Oh how luxurious and exotic. How glam are you going to feel just lounging around the house!

Real kimonos are so pricy new as well. It comes down to luck but its a matter of keeping your eyes open too doesn't it, these 'finds.'

Anonymous said...

It's a stunner, Sharon! Well done.

Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks for all the fabulous comments, this was from the boot sale in Collier Row, near Hainault, Essex.

Rebecca said...

Gorgeous! And 2 for 1 - reversible! You are SO right, though, about buying something when you see it if you really want it!

In this case, it worked out. Enjoy the lux.

Belle de Ville said...

Simply beautiful.

Haute World said...

Ahhh, I've been wanting one of these for the longest time as well! I find normal bathrobes to be a bit too spa and not as chic. Perfect kimono and what a great price at that! Hope you have a lovely weekend :)

www.janetteria.com said...

Great bargain! Royal blue is great colour for a kimono! :-)


Make Do Style said...

Ah you see he/she who waits...
I'm going to have to get into car boots!!

Siljesfashion said...

Its amazing!! I also have one (shorter) that I bought in San Francisco and its an absolute favorite! Have a great weekend!

Meg said...

Great find!

Marian said...

wow that is such a beautiful piece honey, id wear it out over jeans and a basic tank!
too gorge just to be worn in :)
Happy wknd

Winnie said...

Unbelievable! What a beautiful find!

ellie said...

Really pretty. wonderful buy! Thanks for the note.

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

Great bargain.

Sharon said...

Thanks for all the lovely comments ladies and have a great weekend to you all!

Cadmium said...

oh sharon, you finally got one! and it is gorgeous!

Rohini said...

It is lovely! Great buy. :)


Couture Carrie said...

Absolutely gorgeous kimono ~ I want one like it!

Hope you are having a fabulous weekend, too, darling!


Unknown said...

Oh that's fantastic...I can imagine you swishing around in that. I have a green satin Biba one (with maternity label) which is far too long for me...but it swishes so beautifully I can't bear to sell it. At least I get to dust the parquet flooring as I go!!! ;)

yiqin; said...

Ah the blue outerwear is perfect.

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-you're all so lovely, thanks so much for the comments!

Anonymous said...

It was meant to be! The kimono is fabulous.. now you just have to post pics of you wearing it! It's great that it's also reversible!

xo, Becs

Anonymous said...

I've sung the WendyB song too!!! Great kimono! xxx

Sharon said...

Hi ladies, so lovely of you, thanks!!

Anny said...

Definitely find of the year - what luck!

Sharon said...

Hi Anny-thanks so much!!

GFS said...

I am obsessed with kimonos!! I found one for 50 cent!


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