
My Other Boot Sale Find!!

My visit to the boot sale last weekend was very successful. As you already know, I scored the vintage Christian Dior clutch which I was really pleased with. On the very last aisle I came across this leather jacket with faux fur collar that fits like a glove!

The lady must of liked me, as when I asked how much it was she said"Well it was £7, but you can have it for £4" How could I refuse such a kind offer, LOL!!

I also bought a River Island leopardprint bag from her too, which was a bargainous £3!! Other finds included a Calvin Klein Khakis skirt for £1, a pink Gap fitted shirt for £1.50, a Levis tee for £2, a Topshop breton style tee for 50p, so all in all a very productive morning at the booty!!


WendyB said...

Fabulous! Very '70s.

Wildernesschic said...

LOVE that jacket that is my favourite style .. a bit of fur is so glam. You should wear that to death .. not literally of course :) You must live in a great area for all these findsx

Doriana Gray said...

I love that fur so much! It fits you like a dream.

Noémie K said...

you look great !!!

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

Amazing, and the Dior clutch looks larger and more eye-catching than I expected from the pictures of it. I love bootsales. They're like paradise.

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

That coat is perfection on you and I'm so jealous of all the lovely scores you make.

Timeless Fashion... said...

The jacket is amazing too. It goes so well with your Dior clutch. Well done!

www.janetteria.com said...

I agree with WendyB- So 70's...totally love that leather coat with fur collar. :-D


love home|life|style said...

What a gorgeous coat... for £4!!!! that's so cool.

Sounds like you really struck lucky booting at the weekend!! x

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm more than a little jealous of that find. TRULY fab!

maverickandlove said...

omg where is this lady!??!!??!?! seriously, i need to go see her!! i love your look and that faux fur!

Eri said...

Looks great , especially with that Dior clutch, was a major find really...
I also got some bargains this weekend... will be sharing pictures soon.
Take care.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what bargains! And the coat is fab! xxx

yiqin; said...

Love the fur. I have been wanting a fur vest :D

Smashingbird said...

fab jacket, I have a similar brown 70s one, which I have been wearing for years!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for all your lovely comments, they are very much appreciated!

budget chic said...

Love the coat Sharon!!

Anonymous said...

OK I have to fly to you and let you bring me shopping with you! LOL! I WANT your coat ;D

Make Do Style said...

You are the Queen of the car boot!
Looks brilliant x

Angela said...

one word, snazzy.

Gerri Ward said...

WOW! You are too FABULOUS!!!:))

loft in SoHo said...

I love your Dior clutch!!!!


Mónica said...

the coat looks so elegant!! I have to learn where those boots sales are soon!!

Mom Fashion World said...

you must be the luckiest woman when
it comes to thrifting. or did you put any spell
to that woman and she offered it to you to a
very low price. what really good scored on the Dior clutch! i love that jacket too!

Unknown said...

That coat is just pure superfly fabulousness! What a find. ^__^

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-such fabulous comments, thanks so much to you all!

Haute World said...

Goodness... in Paris you can barely get a Starbucks for that price! What a terrific jacket and it suits you so well. I'm amazed at your other finds as well... a pound for a skirt?? Sigh...

Marian said...

you always find the best bits,that jacket does fit like a glove on you! love the faux fur collar

Anika said...

Ooooh that jacket is divine, gorgeous girl...love the skinny fit....nowadays its so hard to find a gorgeous skinny fit like that on a leather jacket.
p.s. you totally rock that fur collar....I've always been hesitant to do so....

have a great one, m'dear :)

Jules said...

That was a great find. And you look awesome on it. =D

A Writers Den
Brown Mestizo

Seeker said...

OMG, fantastic dear!!!!
No it was a sin if you would refuse it ;o)
You look great and it fits you lovely


Anonymous said...

Fabulous outfit- you look great. Talk about a productive morning! : )

Bonnie said...

What a great find! Love the jacket BUT I am more in love or is it lust with that Dior clutch. Awesome!


Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for your kind and lovely comments!!

Siljesfashion said...

LOVE IT!!! So 70s and a fantastic bargain. Goes perferfectly with the Dior. Have a wonderful weekend!

Style At Every Age said...

I am so not suprised to see you got 34 comments on this post - the jacket and bag are fantastic !!!!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks so much for these lovely comments, so kind of you both!!

Winnie said...

I so love your jacket!!

Sharon said...

Thanks Winnie!!

Francesca ( Australia ) said...

I love this blog !!!! It's like you're a kindred spirit. Great bargains too :)


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