
Winter Florals

I really love florals, so I've been on the look out for a floral dress or skirt that will work well with winter wear. I found this floral rose patterned skirt from the Red Cross charity shop a few weeks ago for a bargain £1.50!

Its by 'Per Una' which is a Marks & Spencer range and the features I love are the asymetrical hem and the chiffon type fabric. I decided to toughen up my look with my black biker jacket, boots and studded belt.

Will you be in florals this winter?


ellie said...

I found something of my Mom's other day. Actually, my grandmother had given it to her. It had been in the drawer..for I don't know how long..it was a very long skirt that I could possibly make 2 out of..it seems..but I cut a good bit off of it and hymned it..it has sort of paisley feel..but red. If that makes sense. Its a great winter weight. And well, we've been getting some cold stuff this week. Even if its suppose to be mild the coming week.

Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

I love the asymmetrical hemline.

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

The skirt looks great with the biker boots and jacket. I love florals and will be wearing them to brighten up the dark days to come.

Rebecca said...

I need your boots for my plaid skirts (you see I added a vest with the second outfit!).

The asymmetrical hemline...I used to avoid them - but it looks great on you. And I wouldn't have thought to add the biker jacket. I'm learning SO much.

Not sure what florals I can dig up for winter....will have to see.

Enjoy YOUR weekend, too!

Timeless Fashion... said...

Lovely outfit. I like the way you softened it with the skirt (or as you say toughened up with the leather jacket and boots). I think it works very well together.

Make Do Style said...

Great vibe - toughened up floral!

Just catching up on your posts as have been knee deep in dissertation writing only another 4000 words to go...

Noémie K said...

love the floral print !
nostalgy of summer time *°°*°*

Anonymous said...

I'm in a floral mood lately too, but its spring now where I live.. cute skirt btw : )

Seeker said...

I like the contrast of the florals with the jacket, and the belt is such a great detail.
I'll try to incorporate some florals...

Have a nice weekend


Meg said...

Florals are a great way to brighten up winter days!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I really love floral scarves!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hello darling Sharon,

I'm with U, real lady, I love floral prints in all time. :-)


Wildernesschic said...

No great with florals got very drunk in a floral dress once and it has memories .. love others in them. You look great I love the contrast between the hard rock leather and the floaty floral skirt x

WendyB said...

Yay for asymmetry!

Winnie said...

Oh most definitely. Florals brighten up any dull wintry day!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for your lovely comments, always much appreciated!

Anika said...

Hell yes, not for winter but for summer....and yes, before you ask, I did do florals for winter. Just with opaque tights and a leather jacket and high heeled boots.

Love your thrifted skirt, you sexy thrifting vixen you :)

Have a fab week darl

yiqin; said...

I love the contrast of the jacket & the skirt. Very well done!

ellie said...

I'm hoping to wear my tan boots (uggs, but not the real ones) with the skirt I hemmed. I wore my cool tights last night and my other boots..made for jumping and running and being silly in. Really, it was much a do about Halloween that meant..nothing really other than being silly. Hope you had a great Halloween.

Marian said...

i love the hem of that per una skirt Sharon, it reminds me of the 90's floral trend.fab!

Eri said...

Looks lovely, I much like the hem detail.

See you soon.

UnoCosa said...

love the contrast between the black and the printed skirt, xx

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for leaving such lovely comments!!


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