
Thrift Inspiration-Doing it 'Mum' style!

The lovely Kate of Make Do Style scored some totally gorgeous 70s maxi dresses last weekend, courtesey of her very generous mum-check them out here!

This fabulous haul of hers inspired me to go to my mums and collect my other 50s dress which has been languishing in her spare room.
About ten years ago, this was a regular in my wardrobe, until the zip bust. I always meant to get it repaired, so ten years on, I think it deserves to be fixed up and worn again. The colours are very autumnal and I can't wait for it to be up and running!!

I also have a matching duster coat for this dress, wide collared and very 50s style-one for the summer months I think!!

Here are the other two vintage original 50s dresses of my mums, now proudly mine!!

The black one is very good quality thick material, so a great stylish classic dress for this season

Have Kate and I inspired you to raid your mums or grans wardrobe-go on, you could be in for a lovely surprise!!!


WendyB said...

My mom didn't save ANY good dresses, and she had some REALLY good ones. I do have a few pairs of shoes.

Jules said...

The black one is awesome! Look good on you Sharon. =D

A Writers Den
Brown Mestizo

Doriana Gray said...

Does this mean I should save clothes for my daughter? ;)

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

I love your dresses. I have juts had one of my mothe rin law's dresses mad einto a tippet.

Anonymous said...

Love the rose dress. And you look gorgeous and elegant in the black dress- the shoes are very glamorous too!

the healthy ghost said...

Love the flower dress!

www.janetteria.com said...

J'adore all esp. the first one on U. ;-)


Make Do Style said...

Great dress and it has a duster coat! I'd be wearing them every day.

You've changed your posting/comment name

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

My mom was a bit tacky. So can't do that. But looks like you had a stylish mom. Well done

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

i love that floral dress!!! gorgeous!


Mónica said...

you must repaired it as soon as possible! it's lovely!

Anonymous said...

My mom and I couldn't be more different, both in body type and in style. How fun that you can wear your mom's dresses!

Caroline said...

Love them all, but particularly the middle one - unusual shape, lovely x

Anika said...

I love that first dress of your mums and cannot wait to see the dress that needs the zipper fixed on you.

And I wish my mum had kept her clothes from when she was a teenager. My grannie made all her clothes and photos of them are just fantastic!

p.s. love the shoes in the second pic...who by, bella?

love home|life|style said...

What fabulous dresses! v lucky!!!
I've never raided my mums wardrobe, not that it isn't nice, but I don't think she's kept any items from over the years.
My daughter on the other hand raids mine now and again! x

Rohini said...

Love the houndstooth peplum. :)


Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for all your kind and lovely comments, as always they are very much appreciated!!

Haute World said...

These are fantastic! I love the shape of the first dress... so unique and the quality of the second dress looks so amazing. They really don't do clothes the way they used to. I so wished my mum had kept her clothes - she had so many maxi dresses and other items. But unfortunately she's the kind of woman who merciless clears out her closet every year... sigh...

Reena Rai said...

Gorgeous! MY mum actually has an amazing collection of 80s cocktail and party dresses, including a KILLER purple velvet one. I used to think she was crazy for keeping them but next time I visit, I am SO stealing them!

Leah said...

You're lucky to have a closet to raid for vintage items. I love vintage.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Totally drooling over that peplum beauty!

Angela said...

S, yay for mum's closet. i have gotten more than one beautiful piece which i have borrowed to own.... ; )

Timeless Fashion... said...

My mum hasn't saved anything :( Those dresses look amazing and as long as something is made of 'thick material' I am totally sold on the idea.

Antics of the Moon said...

My mum only saved me a couple of her clothes! I've seen photos of her when she was younger and wish she saved me her whole wardrobe!!
Amazing blog! ♥ love your style!

ellie said...

I so love the floral print. Great stuff!

Michael said...

The floral dress is just absolutely adorable and that black suit is perfect for a day at the office.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-I'm so pleased with your lovely comments, thanks so much!

Mom Fashion World said...

hi sharon.
how are you? how's the weather out there?

too bad! my mom didn't keep any of her clothes
when she was young. wish she kept them.
but from now on, it gives me an idea to keep mr. freddy's clothes so he could pass them on his future children someday.

wow! dresses are so beautiful. did your see you wearing her clothes already? tell her, she has a good taste.

chromium bells said...

Those dresses are lovely! And I totally know what you mean by raiding your mom's closet. I have a blouse that was once my mom's from the early 80's!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! You are so lucky!

Unknown said...

OMG what amazingly timeless styles! I love '50s dresses so much. :o)

Siljesfashion said...

Great looks! And yes, good ideas, my mum left me som really good dresses, but I do wish for even more glam 70s outfits. Have a great weekend!

GFS said...

I loveth that "plaid-ish" dress!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much to you all!!

Marian said...

love these on you sharon,the black is fab!

Rebecca said...

You're very blessed/lucky to have a mother who held on to these lovelies! (And how convenient that they fit you, too.)

I like them all! Do the fabrics require any special care????

Gerri Ward said...

WOW! Sharon Rose YOU look 50's FABULOUS!
I luv your dresses, I'm sooo JEALOUS!:))

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks so much for the lovely comments, to Rebecca, I would dry clean the black one, but the others would be a gentle machine wash.

Anonymous said...

I love all 3 dresses they are gorgeous xxxx lots of love xx

Sharon said...

Hi Sam-thanks so much!!

Unknown said...

Love the outfits!

My mom was quite the mod dresser in the 60s and 70s and although she was much tinier than I am (she was 4'11" and 85lbs!), she saved a few items that I can squeeze into, like some awesome sweaters and a pair of dark-wash Calvin Klein jeans (which are capris on me, LOL).

Sharon said...

Hi Bonnie-thanks my dear!! Your pieces sound great, hope you get to wear them a lot!


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