
Sonia Rykiel

Great news, Thanks to the gorgeous Everybody Says Don't, who alerted me to the fact that Sonia Rykiel is doing a collaberation with H&M and the knitwear collection is due out around February 2010- for more information, check out this Telegraph article too:

These pictures are from Sonia's A/W 09/10 collection

Last year, I scored this totally gorgeous Sonia Rykiel jumper from Help The Aged charity shop for only £2.49. Its definitely my favourite jumper and I can't wait to start wearing it again this season!!


WendyB said...

Awesome find! Great colors

the healthy ghost said...

What a bargain!!!

Make Do Style said...

It is wonderful and will look gorgeous on you!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Totally divine colours.

Siljesfashion said...

Another great find!! So much better than the H&M collection for sure. Have a great weekend!

yiqin; said...

The print is fantastic <3

Angela said...

S, when I am ever in London, we are going vintage shopping together. : )

Nic said...

fantastic colours.



www.janetteria.com said...

Hello darling Sharon,

U know I'm a huge Sonia Rykiel fan...my Sonia bow bangle arrived...I'm so happyyyy... Ur top is great and gorgeous find too and AS ALWAYS! haha!

Oh and I love the striped jumpsuit from Sonia's catwalk. I really want them...LOL!


one of 365 said...

I LOVE Sonia R! I did my Wish List on her and made a totally bonkers outfit for her because that's what she is about....fun and quality. The annoying thing about H&M is that everything bloody sells out within 10 mins of it being released. So frustrating. I know they want to keep it Ltd. Ed. but C'mon....they make it a madhouse and then you walk away with nothing...totally sucks......I hope I can score this time....though it is much pricier in the States. I love this sweater that you have. Very Rykiel. It is jester meets Fall and I love that you can dress it up or down. Sharon, as always, I bow to you. xoxoxoxo--one of 365

Anonymous said...

Another great find indeed! It's lovely. I bet it looks gorgeous on you. Hope you are having a good weekend xxxx

Anonymous said...

Love your Sonia jumper! It would go great with black leggings! Looking forward to seeing her collaboration with H&M.

xo, Becs

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I sure would love to go thrifting with you!

Cadmium said...

lovely autumny colors on that jumper! they will pep up any neutrals you wear with it. great find!

Style At Every Age said...

Totally love that Jumper!

Gerri Ward said...

OMG! I think my EYES are POPPING out of my HEAD! This is solely AMAZINGLY FABULOUS, I'm sooo without words right now, except I AM SOLELY JEALOUS!!!!:)))

Timeless Fashion... said...

It's a lovely jumper. Did you find it in London? I read in the Passion for Fashion (by The Financial Times) that some of the Oxfam and Cancer Research shops in London sell only good quality designer labels. I haven't had a chance yet to go to London and check for myself but still sounds amazing.

Anonymous said...

That top is ON FIRE- awesome unusual color mix and I love the black trim at the neck. Most of all I love the price : )

Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks for all your lovely comments and in reply to where I shop, I generally shop locally in mine and neighbouring Essex towns-I live on the borders of East London and Essex. I don't shop in Central London's charity shops as I find mine to be more reasonably priced, plus I do still every now and then get that designer find!!

Marian said...

Sonia pairs the sweetest colours together.
I am interested to see what she comes up with for the H&M collabo.

Anika said...

Once again all I'm going to say is damn you for these fantastic finds....Sonia Rykiel is always tops in my book.

Look forward to seeing it on your person.

Have a great week bella, and I will let you know when we plan to be in London (have only bought the tickets, insurance and decided where to go so far).

Couture Carrie said...

Very exciting news about the collaboration!
Love your chevron sweater too!


Michael said...

That is indeed an awesome sweater! It looks perfect for winter and it looks so soft.

Unknown said...

Hi Sharon! What an utterly beautiful sweater ... I adore the colors!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you model it!

Winnie said...

I can't wait for the collab! I love your find.

shopinchic said...

Sonia Rykiel does some fantastic designs! Unfortunately, there is no H&M where I live, and they don't sell online in the United States either.

La Mimi said...

Oh, I remember this totally gorgeous sweater on you:) hehe... I think that's the photo we used for your Fashion Idol feature.


Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all your lovely comments, so much appreciated!

zsooofi said...

great colors. waiting for the collaboration sooooo much. :)
sonia and h&m together is more than a girl like me can dream of in this moment..:)


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