
Ben de Lisi for Principles at Debenhams

Designer Ben de Lisi has done an exclusive collection for Principles, only available at Debenhams. I've browsed the collection and thought I'd show you my favourites available online now-the coin purse and bulldog tee are just so cute, LOL!!

Coin purse, £10

Bulldog tee, £18

stripe skirt, £45

white weave bag, £28

stripe jumper. £28


WendyB said...

The top is so cute!

www.janetteria.com said...

The bulldog top is adorable! :-)

Angela said...

OMG the doggie tee is adorable. : ) Hope you had a super romantic Valentine's weekend. xo

Style At Every Age said...

I love the stripe jumper and the skirt - great pieces for the nautical trend.

Wildernesschic said...

Would have to be the top.. I am a stripe fanatic ..ooops just left the e of strip LOL

Unknown said...

Finding the last 3 things nearly too pretty, but perhaps one just needs to wear them for a while and then they get a lovely french summery touch. The bulldog t-shirt is fun!

Rianna said...

The stripey top in the last pic is cute
Rianna Bethany x

Rebecca said...

I'll join some of the others re. the stripes! Skirt & jumper - both eye-catchers.

ellie said...

Those stripes to be in this spring..aren't they? Unfortunately, stripes don't do much for me. I love the bulldog.

Make Do Style said...

Interesting must go and peek. I always forget to go into Debenhams, mind you Oxford st one is a bit full on and hard work.

Anonymous said...

That stripy skirt just stole my heart.

Smashingbird said...

Oooh love the purse, adorable!

marian said...

the coin purse is adorable!
hope you are well.

Winnie said...

I like the shape of that last top!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for the comments, much appreciated!!

budget chic said...

Love all the black and white stripes!!

Leah said...

I'm into stripes these days... love the skirt!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks so much!!

Schnappy said...

wow, it's lovely, I love dogs!


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