Last night was the grand premiere of the gorgeous Kate of Make Do Style's short film, Dress Up.
It was shown at the London College of Fashion and afterwards there was various discussion on film, fashion, magazines, blogging and all their influences. The panel included fashion and style blogger Coco's Tea Party, Grazia's Melanie Rickey, Tamar Jeffers Thomas, author of Hollywood Catwalk and Pamela Church Gibson, Course Director MA Fashion and Film.
It was shown at the London College of Fashion and afterwards there was various discussion on film, fashion, magazines, blogging and all their influences. The panel included fashion and style blogger Coco's Tea Party, Grazia's Melanie Rickey, Tamar Jeffers Thomas, author of Hollywood Catwalk and Pamela Church Gibson, Course Director MA Fashion and Film.

The panelists
Kate was looking totally stunning in her DVF dress-unfortunately I didn't manage to get a photo of her in it!! I also had the pleasure of meeting fellow bloggers Disneyrollergirl, Dressed and Pressed and That's not my age.
A very big well done and congratulations to Kate who has really worked so very hard these last couple of years to gain her MA with Distinction in Fashion and Film and it was a great pleasure to see the film and her beautifully presented red book dissertation.
Thanks for reading and commenting on my blog. Your'e really is an inspiration, it's nice to meet other like-minded ladies.
I'm following!
Hi - really nice to meet you last night, and I'm so impressed that you've blogged about it! I'm following you now so we can keep in touch
PS thanks for the mention!
Thank you so much - I was so pleased you came and in your Vivienne Westwood splendour too. Listen up bloggers Sharon Rose has the most wonderful VW top and looked gorgeous in it - we need a picture!!
See you soon xx
Beautiful !!!
Ooooh, really? That's cool! ;-) I also love Make do style blog . :-)
How cool. That's great that you went to this. I actually made a hat from an old sweater. Actually, 2 one for me and one for a friend. Still using a lot of sweaters here. Fresh snow this morning.
Have we seen your "VW top" on your blog?
What a great event it must have been. It looks very exciting and I can see that you met some stellar people.
I really like that red shift dress! I think I'll go exploring using your post here as a guide. I'll take a short look at some of other blogs you mentioned.
Hi everyone and to Kate and Rebecca, I'll try and do a photo of it soon, thanks for the lovely comments!!
Hey Sharon, how r u? Aw I really wanted to go to this but I was busy at that time unfortunately. Glad to see you enjoyed it and a big congrats to Kate!
Take care and enjoy your weekend :)
I really really want to see this film! it looks fab!!!
Looked like an amazing time! I wish I was there :)
Glad you had a great time!
Well done, Kate! Sounds like you had a great time. Meeting fellow bloggers must be fun (though I might have found it slightly intimidating).
You're so lucky you got to go! How exciting.
Oh no! I missed it! I cannot believe it :(! sounds great
That sounds like so much fun! And fabulous blog. x
I am quite jealous that you all met up and I am so pleased for Kate. I would love to see her film
Hi everyone-thanks for all your lovely comments, so much appreciated!!
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