
Thrift Inspiration, Doing it Jimmy Choo Style!!

Checking out Elle magazine for March, I was pleased to see the ever popular open toe ankle boot was still in style for this season. I've been after a pair for a while, but wasn't sure of the right ones to go for.

I saw this pair in an Elle edition from last year and was suitably inspired to buy my pair below:

My pair are from Matalan and were a bargainous £14!! You can also buy them online and I've found in the past that Matalans sandals and shoes are quite good value for money

They are very similiar to the Choos-open lattice style, with a snakeskin style heel and faux suede uppers.

Will you be in open toed ankle boots this season?


Cadmium said...

Lucky you! They look fab, can't wait to see an outfit featuring them!

Style At Every Age said...

Love them, they are great! I do really like that open toe style.

Vix said...

Matalan do some fantastic footwear at bargain prices but I never realised that you could buy them on-line, thanks for sharing!
Your new boots are fabulous and almost identical to Jimmy Choo's.
I love the open-toed ankle boot, too.

Wildernesschic said...

Love that style x

Allegra said...

oh yeah, I love open toe booties!

Make Do Style said...

I love open toe action on ankle boots and at £14 you can wear and chuck when worn out!

That's Not My Age said...

OOh well spotted, you. They are very similar. Lots of open toes at London Fashion Week yesterday

Smashingbird said...

Nice boots, good old Matalan!

Rebecca said...

Amazing! I've never seen anything like them. And I DO like them.

ellie said...

I love these. What a great deal! ummm..me in open toe boots..highly unlikely. I'm too clumsy. As of yet I have not got to enjoy my ankle boots that are sitting pretty in my closet. I'm just afraid I'll ruin them in the snow..or fall on someone in them. Of course, that's quite an ice breaker if I aim right just in time when a goodlooking bloke approaches.

Siljesfashion said...

Great buy, love the open toe. Its still snowing here, but hopefully it will be spring soon. Have a wonderful week!

www.janetteria.com said...

Gorgeous buy, Sharon!

P.S.: ♥Please don't forget to join the Schnappy Jewelry giveaway!♥

Good luck!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Goodness, your Matalans look nearly exactly like the Jimmy Choos! I love open-toe, too, but haven't found the right pair yet. I also sometimes wonder if my feet will get wet (bad, bad fashionista, way too sensible, I know).

Angela said...

What find!!!!

WendyB said...

Wait, did I miss something or is this a non-thrift purchase??

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for all your lovely comments and to Wendy, I thought I would treat myself to a very inexpensive new purchase, LOL!!

Winnie said...

Omigosh they are so similar, another awesome job in finding an afforadable alternative. I love them!

Mont Charles et Moi said...

the shoes are amazing ! X

lunarossa said...

They're lovely, but a bit too high for me, I fear. Thanks for the tip, though. Ciao. A.

Mom Fashion World said...

what a score again, sweetie!
open toed ankle boots are on my shoe-list!

Haute World said...

Gorgeous boots! I love sandal booties and have a lovely pair myself I got last year but don't really wear enough. I'm looking forward to breaking them out again, once the weather's nicer!

Bonnie said...

I love those open toed booties. For myself I've given up wearing high heels but I bet they look great on you!

I loved that post you did on the Dress Up film, I wish I could have been there. At one time I really want to be a fashion designer so I found it interesting. Loved the dress! Do you think Kate will post the film on You Tube so we can all see it?

Have a great week.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all the lovely comments, to Bonnie, she may well do, she also has a Fashion & Film blog which I think she will show more details of the film on at some point soon!

budget chic said...

Wow, those shoes are a dead ringer for the ones featured in Elle and only $14 too, that's what I'm talking about!

AsianCajuns (Cath) said...

I actually like yours better! No need to spend money on Choos when great knock-offs exist!

Unknown said...

What a bargain, though they may not do so well on our muddy lanes here in the middle of no-where.

I'm new to your blog and loving it already.

Helena xx

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

I will borrow my daughters I think.

yiqin; said...

So awesome! You have the best stuffs.

Schnappy said...

Hi! Cool shoes! But I'm not sure for me, because those heels are little bit higher! :)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I'm definitely on the lookout for a pair. LOVE yours!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Hi I am back - Just to tell you I've passed on a little award to you today, to show that I really like your blog!

Anonymous said...

These are amazing! They look identical!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks so much for the kind and lovely comments!!

Kira Aderne said...

yes, I love ankle boots! I need a new pair like yours!

MĂ³nica said...

I got one pair in Zara last summer.. but they hurt so badly that I only wore them once.. :(

Sharon said...

Thanks so much ladies!!

amchic said...

Just discovered your blog & I'm happy I did!

Sharon said...

Thanks so much amchic!!

Anonymous said...

Sharon, plus your matalans have a much more sensible heel!


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