
H! by Henry Holland

UK Designer Henry Holland has just unveiled his new collection for Debenhams. The pieces are very vibrant and funky, stylish with a twist-check them out here

Checked blazer £40

Parka, £45

body con skirt £15

Lipstick tee, £16

oversized tee, £16


Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Nice, which ones will you get?

WendyB said...

I would do that blazer!

Sharon said...

Hi Lenya-love the bodycon skirt, but need to see the collection in person I think!

Make Do Style said...

Will have to check out that these!

www.janetteria.com said...

The first blazer is cool!

P.S.: ♥Please don't forget to join the Howbeadyful giveaway!♥

Good luck!

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

Great blazer.

Style At Every Age said...

If I could buy one thing it would be the Parka.

ellie said...

very cool T's!

Happy Valentines day!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Henry Holland for Debenhams? Cool! I don't know if you are into Valentine's Day, but I'm wishing you a romantic day anyway.

blabla said...

Love the tee and skirt!!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Winnie said...

Oh wow, such reasonable prices too!

marian said...

hello thank you for sharing images from Henrys collection for Debenhams.
Honey hope you have had a gorge Vals day
big kiss

Seeker said...

That blazer is so nice.

Hope you had a happy V Day


Shes Dressing Up said...

Ooh, I like the lipstick tee!

jess said...

The plaid blazer is really cool.

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

Are you going to join the Spring Capsule Wardrobe Challenge?

Haute World said...

Love that blazer! Must check this out when I'm back in the UK next week... a great idea for him to create a less expensive line.

P.S. Gorgeous blouse in your last post. Another beautiful find!

Mónica said...

haven't heard of it.. I'll check, thanks for sharing!!

BTW, I am looking forward to seeing how car boot sales are in the summer :)

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all you kind and lovely comments!!


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