
Fantasy Bag Tag and Award

Thanks to the gorgeous Wilderness Chic at Life the universe and all thats in it for my first award of the year, the Sunshine award.

It cheered me up no end last week and I'm passing it on to the lovely WendyB, Rebecca at Thrifty Style at Sixty, Vintage Vixen and That's not my age

My fantasy bag tag is also to the lovely ladies above too.

The general contents of my bag are the usual toot of phones, keys, mints, brush and purse.
Here is my vintage authentic Louis Vuitton purse from the boot sale (£1) to go into my fantasy bag:

This is a perfect fantasy bag for summer-a washed denim hobo bag with stylish zippers and what a great price too!!


Schnappy said...

Congrats! Bags are cool! :)

That's Not My Age said...

Thank you for my Sunshine Award - I am honoured - so nice to receive an award during Oscar's week!

Leah said...

Congrats on the sunshine award... you really deserve it. Oh, I love bags.

www.janetteria.com said...

Love that Adidas by Stella McCartney bag. By the way congrats to this lovely award!

Stéphanie said...

Congrats dear !

Vix said...

Thanks for my lovely Sunshine Award, Sharon. That Stella McCartney bag is divine but nothing could top that gorgeous LV purse. Purse-fection!

Make Do Style said...

Great car boot purse!
Your Anya Hinmarch gift is going to be my bag of the summer xx

Rebecca said...

I "collected" my award with surprise and pleasure! You not only are perceptive, informed and fashionable, but kind and encouraging to all. I appreciate it and learn so much from you. I'll display the award as soon as I get another photo to post along with it!

ellie said...

Go you! I like the zippers on the bag.

Yulia Rahmawati said...

i heart ur LV

you are investing at the right way


Style At Every Age said...

Great bag at a great price. I won't tell you what hubby paid for my LV purse 3 years ago but lets just say, you got a great bargain!

marian said...

congrats on the award hun. i like that Stella McCartney bag for adidas.

SabinePsynopsis said...

Super Louis Vuitton purse! Congratulations to your award, Sharon; your blog is always a pleasure to read.

Anny said...

That hobo bag is so fun :)


Hey dear Sharon!

Congrats on the award!

Love your purse and fantasy bag as well :-)


Seeker said...

Congrats on the award, you are a sunshine my dear.

Thank you so much for your words and thoughts on these difficult times I'm living. It's good to know we have people who care.
All my friendship


Winnie said...

Congrats on the award. Love the stella bag, actually afforadable!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all the lovely comments-as always, much appreciated!!

X said...

Congratulations for the award :)

www.janetteria.com said...

By the way - Thanks for your support comments on my previous post. ♥♥♥

Siljesfashion said...

Very nice bag! Great deal on the LV. Have a great weekend!

Gorgeous Glam said...

Congrats doll! xoxo

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks for all your lovely comments!!

Couture said...

That Stella McCartney looks great!



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