Well, after a very long hiatus and after deleting and reinstating my blog-I think I'm back!!
A lot has been happening in my personal life and I really gave blogging a back seat, just wasn't really in the right frame of mind to give any time to fashion and style personally, although I was visiting your blogs to see what you were all up to!!

I'm not sure how regular I will be with posting, but I'm really going to try my best to visit you and leave my tuppence worth, lol!!
I hope you are all enjoying the blog sales that are going on today- a lot of buying and selling going on with some very nice pieces still available-am tempted myself, but funds say other wise!!
Wishing you all a great week ahead and will hope to visit you soon too!!
Welcome back, darling!
It's so nice to see you again. Hope everything is well in your world, we've missed you. xxx
Sharon so lovely to see you , hope all is well... I am busy too and posting isnt always possible but its just nice to see your smiling face xx
Welcome back, we've missed you!
Lovely to see your smiling face, hope things are well, yes we are working hard with the blog sales, plenty of bargain left xxx
So pleased you are back ,I only post itermitently now too ,but like to read ..love Jan xx
Hey Honey, thanks your comment. Hope all is well with you and that whatever has been going on, hasn't been too traumatic. So glad to see you again, Much love from one Sharron to another! xx
Welcome back Sharon! Glad to see you back and hope you're back to your old self. I certainly missed your posts and you look lovely in your picture!
Great to see you back, and I agree with Winnie - you look lovely in this pic. The bits of hair framing your face really suit you :)
Oh good to see you, in fact wonderful to see you!! don't you dare disappear!! xx
Sometimes you can't say anything, just let people know that you are here if they need you xxxxxx Hugs xxxxxx
Hi everyone-thanks, thanks, and more thanks for such a wonderful welcome back, I feel really good to be back amongst such fabulous ladies!! I suppose I need to go thrifting now for some post material!! xx
Welcome back - and keep on blogging!
Hi Sharon, It's wonderful to have you back! Was a little concerned when your blog went missing, I have to say. You look lovely and we've all missed you tons. Come visit me I actually did a post of fashion and accessorizing :)
Hope to see lots more of you,
xoxo, Bonnie
Welcome back, we've missed you! x
Welcome back!! Hope you had an amazing summer with your family:-)Hugs from Norway.
Great to see you back really hope things on the home front are OK. I've still got lots for sale at my other site so come take a looks around x
I'm so glad you're back! I really missed your great thrifted finds!
Welcome back, my dear!!!!!
It's so nice to have you back even if not on a daily basis.
Hope you're feeling better!
Much love
Your face is SO beautiful to see! Though it seems there are thousands of fashion blogs, things just weren't the same w/o you! It's amazing how each person brings a unique facet of personality, information, and inspiration to the whole picture.
Take good care of yourself. You are wise to take whatever time you need to take care of personal business, but know that ANYtime you post, I'll be ready and thankful!
Yay! Don't leave us again.
P.S.: Please don't forget to join the NOVICA giveaway for gift certificate for $75. ♥ Good luck, darling!
Just want to say a massive thanks to you all ladies, for your kind and warm welcome back xxxx
Hurrah!!!! Soooooooo happy to see you back, and you look so lovely. I agree with Kate and Wendy, don't you dare go away again!! ;)
Lovely to see you back, Sharon, and hope all is well with you and yours now xx
Really, its so good to see your face. I was afraid something had happened to you. I hope you are getting a chance to enjoy your summer.
Just hot and muggy here and I do what I do best. Write. I suppose.
Missed you!
You're back! I was shocked to seek you out just last week and find your blog had disappeared..... I was inclined to do a post and ask if anyone knew what had happened! So welcome back to blogging world. I was not aware that there are blog sales.....!!
Hi everyone-thanks so much for your welcome backs!!x
Hi Sharon!! I'm soooooo glad you're back -- I missed your blog a lot! It truly made my day to see that your blog's up again! ^_^
Really great that you're back, I love your blog. Kind regards from Germany :)
Oh I just love your blog and am so glad you are back. You really do inspire me. I am going to add you to my blogroll, I hope that's ok. Keep up the great work, cheers from Down Under !
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