
Rock Style for under £5

Last month I found this Christian Audigier tee for only £1.60 in the British Heart Foundation. So I paired with this black denim mini, also from the same charity shop for only £2.99.

The sandals were gifted, so all in all an outfit for less than a fiver!!

What has been your best bargain this summer?


I V Y said...

best bargain! a $2.50 studded bag!

FairyFiligree said...

This summer have tried to steer clear of making new purchases but rather find new ways of using what I already have, some of which tends to get overseen in the scramble through the wardrobe. Must admit I have created a number of new outfits out of the tried and tested.

devilishlypleasurable said...

the ensemble looks like a gorgeous mini dress. you're rockin' it.

i found scores of bargains during this round's sales. . but i think the best were this printed pleated satin dress for only £20 and a pair of Prada sandals.

Make Do Style said...

As ever fab purchases and you look really great xx

Haute World said...

Welcome back! I've missed all your posts, although I haven't been that good with blogging either ;-) Congrats on your find... you look fab as usual!

Rebecca said...

You look "fab" in your black bargains!

My best bargain was definitely the 26 items in the $5 bag sale. At $.20@, it will be hard to beat THIS one!

Bonnie said...

Love that look you are rocking and can't wait to see if you have pics of yourself in that bolero. I recently went to a thrift shop and though they had many lovely things their pricing was expensive. I didn't come away with anything :(

Hope you have a great week, Bonnie

Style At Every Age said...

Despite personal stuff, you look better than ever! Great Pic Sharon xx

Couture said...

Cool bargain!

blabla said...

Cool tee!!

Vix said...

Gorgeous find, really suits you. Can I just say how pretty and fresh-faced you're looking? xxx

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-I really appreciate your kind and lovely comments, thanks so much to you all!!

Angela said...

S, I love it. You look so good.

ellie said...

What a cool shirt! Great outfit. A lot more summer things are coming down in price. But I haven't really bought anything.

Caroline said...

Great t shirt, Sharon, and I love your hair in that style. x

Wildernesschic said...

I love the T shirt so much its fabulous xx

Cadmium said...

LOVE the whole thing!

lunarossa said...

Great tee, you look really stylish. Well done, again! Ciao. A.

teawithonesugarplease said...

You have not lost your touch in seeking a true bargain. Reiss Trouser for a tenner at their summer sample sale. Wish I had bought a second pair in the other collour. Look like Holians which is a bonus.

Sharon said...

hi everyone-thanks so much for the lovely comments!! x

Unknown said...

I love your bargain outfit -- looks way more expensive than its actual cost! You look smashing!

I have a super-bargain outfit of a skirt given by my cousin, a cheap but pretty tee and thrift store sandals. The whole thing cost $15. I'll post it soon. :o)

Saver Queen said...

Wow! That t-shirt is amazing! it looks great on you!
And by the way, your hair looks really cute like that!

Eve Maria said...

wow that's amazing! the t-shirt is a really flattering cut as well. At first I thought it was a mini dress too. You've inspired me to go thrift shopping- there are loads in my town (and nothing else) I really should make the most of it!


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