
Shout Out to Cision-Thank You!!

Well, it was a very nice surprise to receive an Email from Cision last week, informing me that I was in their Top Ten list for UK Vintage Clothing Blogs

To say I was amazed was an understatement, but very pleased and flattered to be picked-so Thank You to Cision

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend, whatever you get upto-I think us in Britain are destined for another gloomy wet weekend-is it because its Bank Holiday I wonder??


Make Do Style said...

Oh congrats xx

Make Do Style said...

Gosh thanks for telling me - I had no idea!!

Vix said...

Totally deserved, my dear! I'm honoured to share a chart with you.
Isn't it dreadful, typical August Bank Holiday weather? Saturday's looking promising at the moment. xxx

Heather said...

Oh how fun....I love your blog too! ~Congrats ~Heather

Wildernesschic said...

Brilliant !! and well deserved xx

onesugarplease said...

Well done you on a great award x

WendyB said...

Congrats! See? Aren't you glad you're still blogging? ;-)

Zabrinah said...

Congratulations!!!!! That's so awesome!


CameronPoe2409 said...

Congratulations and have a fab weekend! Fingers crossed that the sun stays out all weekend!

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Congratulations Sharon! You deserve it. I love reading about your finds xx

Jan said...

Very well done, congrats Sharon,I agree with their choice ..love Jan xx

Unknown said...

Well, it's about time your awesome blog was recognized for how fabulous it is!! Congratulations!!

I'm so glad your blog is back. ^_^

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for all these kind and lovely words!! xx


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