
Charity Shop Finds this week

Last week was my week off and I've had mixed fortunes on the charity shop find front, for a change after doing a wardrobe declutter, I've given away more than what I've bought! I'm really trying to buy items that I will use, love and keep long term, even if it means not buying quantities of stuff!

Well, my finds were this 60s camel leather handbag, made by a company called Maclaren in Norfolk, England. Its an ideal small bag to carry and will go with virtually any colour outfit.

I also found this perfect leopardprint 80s St Michaels (Marks & Spencer) chiffon style blouse, which I'll wear either tucked in or loose as a jacket sort of style. This was from the St Francis Hospice.

I found 'The Fashion Book' which was £1.80 and another Kate Moss book which was £2.75.

The weekend has been very wet and cold, so I'm pleased to have some reading material handy!!

Hope you all have a lovely Sunday, whatever you get upto!!


Ofelia said...

The week went fast! It's a good idea to get rid of items that we don't wear or love anymore to make space for new ones to love and wear!
Waiting to see you in the leopardprint 80s St Michaels chiffon blouse.

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Some good finds there, I can never resist a book, even though we're supposed to be cutting back on them and filling the kindle instead!

Ruby Tuesday said...

I absolutely love that shirt I bet it will look fabulous on you too xx Sorry I have not been reading as much lately ..or writing trying to rectify the situation xx

Please may I? said...

Your week off always goes in a flash doesn't it? Never mind. I hope you enjoyed it even so.

Nice finds! Really like the blouse. You will rock that.

I need to declutter my wardrobe I just hate getting rid of stuff! I must have around three Ikea bags full of stuff to eBay! That needs to be my challenge for nex week.

Enjoy your Sunday.

X x x

Moi said...

Great bargains. I can't go into a charity shop without coming out with a book!

Ella said...

what great finds! the leopard print st. michaels blouse is my favourite - im constantly on the look out for vintage m&s xx

Seeker said...

Oh dear I just love that blouse!!!!
I'm sure you'll look gorgeous and wild in it :))
So pictures, please ;-)

Vix said...

What great finds! You did do well. I'm currently running around the house filling up a basket with bric-a-brac, I bumped into my local antique shop owner last night and he's got a 1960's dress he's going to swap for some of my old junk. xxx

hippyatheart said...

great finds, especially the books are great buys!

Pearl Westwood said...

I am in the middle of a huge clearout too, Ive filled two bin bags so far for the charity! Great finds, especially for the books as they always tend to be over priced up here x

Perdita Tinsel said...

Love the animal print blouse!

I had a big clearout and promptly re-stocked in the same shops I donated to. Doh.

Comtesse de ferveur said...

Great finds, especially the fab blouse! xxxxxxxxxxxx

CameronPoe2409 said...

Great finds, I really like your new bag, its very versatile! Having a quiet sunday catching up on my reading too! xx

mispapelicos said...

Hi Sharon,Vix recomended me to visit your blog, and I see you are a girl after my own heart.Nothing I enjoy better than a good bargain : charity shop, carboot sale, jumble, thrift...
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I cold turkey...No second hand clothes around ...
I will be back for more.

Louise Mc said...

Oooh, that leopard print blouse is delicious... I love it. I've given a lot away this week too... It's a good feeling to get rid of some of the lesser worn stuff though isn't it?

blabla said...

Love your new blouse!

mispapelicos said...

I am following you now, and putting you in my blogroll.

Oh to Be a Muse said...

shopping is such a hassle some times, but i usually like the end result. i think that leopard print top will look fab on you!

Unknown said...

Just discovered your blog through the lovely Vix. And I adore that blouse! I nearly bought a Clockhouse one yesterday but turned my nose up at the £7 price tag. I dare say it didn't cost that in the 80s!

lunarossa said...

Love the leopardprint blouse. Great price! Have a nice week. Ciao. A.

Style At Every Age said...

Yes cold and horrid. Love the blouse!!

Style At Every Age said...

Yes cold and horrid. Love the blouse!!

Unknown said...

Wonderful finds!! Nothing quite like a vintage camel colored bag. I'm still looking out for one. The blouse is fab too -- it's so chic and timeless. I just saw another blogger model a new one like the one you found! And yet another blogger wear a similar blouse with a leather skirt. It was so inspiring! I love leopard print. :o)

WendyB said...

I feel like I should give you a shopping list :-)

Anonymous said...

oh very nice purse love it and a nice neutral color so it will go with lots! I have been trying to do the same be purposeful with my purchases at the thrift store, that way I do not get to cluttered :) ~Love Heather

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Ooh, the leopard print blouse is lovely, and its always good to find good book bargains too x

Sharon said...

Hi everybody-such wonderful and lovely comments, so kind of you all and much appreciated as always xxx

Caroline said...

great find, Sharon, well done! Particularly like the look of those two books.

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, I love the blouse, you'll look fab in it and the books were a great buy.

Hope you had a good weekend. The dreary weather seems to be back.

I've been meaning to send you something but haven't quite got it together yet, but I will this week xx

Blighty said...

Love your blog, I have the Fashion Book but wish I had got it for £1.50! Adore the leopard blouse. You have re-inspired my love of charity shops you find such marvellous things but then you have a great eye and great style xx


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