
Sunday Booty, Charity Shopping and Camden

Sunday was an early start for hubby and I, we drove all the way to Nevenden in Basildon for a boot sale that wasn't on-oops, so we then detoured to Willow farm boot sale in Purfleet.

It was my first proper outdoor booty for the year so I was keen to pick up some bargains. I did quite well, I got a Laura Lees for Topshop chiffon leopardprint blouse, tan leather Topshop belt, a leopardprint scarf, a Topshop summer blouse and some elbow length Dents gold gloves-Christina, I'm sure they're the same as yours!!

We then jumped in the car and took a leisurely drive towards London and we stopped off at a couple of charity shops en route-Mind and RSPCA in Highgate.

Hubby got a Gap Merino wool v neck sweater, a Paul Smith shirt and a Banana Republic cardigan. I got a silk Jaeger scarf and these awesome gold leather snakeskin sandal shoe boots by Faith-only £8!!!

I was so chuffed with them, I kept them on for our journey to Camden, where we stopped for something to eat and treated our youngest boy to a new pair of limited edition Superman Converses.

The cobbles in Camden didn't bode well for these sandals, so once we got back in the car, I kicked them off and gave my feet a rest, lol!! But I don't regret getting them, they're not shoes for shopping in or walking on cobbles, so my own fault really!!

I'm standing outside a restaurant that has a swing outside it!!

It was a great day out and a good start to my week off, I shall be generally chilling out and doing not too much, well I might check out the local charity shops, it would be rude not to!!

Have a good week ahead everyone!!


Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, £1 for those gloves is brilliant! Do they have little buttons down the sides? I paid £8 for mine plus postage.

The shoes are great! As you say rubbish for walking on cobbles but they look fabulous.

Well done for getting up, my bedroom's so dark and it's been such a dull day I still thought it was the middle of the night! I have to go and scrape myself together to go to Pam Hogg's show at 7.30pm. I'd better get a move on! Have a lovely evening xx

Vix said...

You look absolutely stunning, Sharon! I'm exceptionally envious of those gorgeous shoes, I love them. Your other finds all sound wonderful. Charity shops open on a sunday? You Southerners have all the luck!
Have a wonderful bargain-filled week! xxx

Ofelia said...

Gorgeous shoes! You demonstrated your balancing abilities by walking on cobbles. Very impressive!
Have a fantastic week off!

Pearl Westwood said...

Oh your so funny wearing those sky scrapers for shopping, it is nice to wear someting you love right away though isnt it! x

Kerry Curl said...

Those are killer heels indeed. I like your outfit. Go you for pairing those heels up with socks and hitting the cobbles!!! I hope our bargains are the first of many ;O) x

Please may I? said...

Sounds like you had a fantastic day, even after your unfortunate start.

You must be pleased with your finds. Love the shoes! You can't beat wearing a new pair of shoes, even on cobbles! Bet you were glad to take the off mind! ( and at least your matched too!)

X x x

hippyatheart said...

great, the swing was the right thing against aking feet, right? ;) kind regards

hippyatheart said...

love your outfit, the headband is so great and I loooove your jacket!

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Oh my God, those shoes! Amazing. I've virtually broken my neck slipping on discarded Pad Thai whilst wearing trainers round Camden Market, you're a braver woman than I! Gorgeous though, would be tempted to frame them...

WendyB said...

Those shoes are amazing! What a find!

SabinePsynopsis said...

They might not be cobble proof, but what a find. They must look stunning on you!

www.janetteria.com said...

What a great bargain!


Winnie said...

Oh they're awesome and it's no wonder you kicked them off when you got back in the car, I definitely applaud you for managing to wear them for most of the day!

jess said...

I love the shoes.

Style At Every Age said...

Wow, I love the shoes, what a bargain and the other bits you got sound gorgeous!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thank you so much for your kind and lovely comments, so lovely of you all! xx

Lenya said...

OMG - you look amazing! Keep doing whatever it is that you are doing cause it's working.

Unknown said...

Those are badass shoes for sure! Gorgeous and eye catching! I also love the coat you paired with it! :o)


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