
Thrift Inspiration, Corsets Style

I have never owned a corset and the main reason is because of not being blessed in the boobs department. Net-A-Porter do a fabulous range, including offerings by Jean Paul Gaultier for La Perla, Rosamosario and Agent Provocateur

On a recent thrifting trip, I picked up this really cute corset for only £5 from the Helen Rollason charity shop in the quaint little village of Ongar in Essex. The cups aren't massive, so I thought I might be in with a chance of it fitting well, which fortunately it does. I love the frillyness and femininity of it and its very well made too.

Its a one off in my wardrobe, but its a pretty little thing. For years I'd always wanted bigger boobs, but since hitting 40 I'm very pleased for what I've been given-no sagging, backaches and I can go bra less in summer too, lol!!

Bodies are never perfect-what part of you have you thought you would like differently given the chance or are you now happy with how you look?


Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, I absolutely love it! Being only just a 34b myself I am with you on no drooping or sagging. I'm so pleased I never had anything bigger.

Thanks for your brilliant comments, you really made me laugh xx

PS. You should take your word verification off, it's such a faff and Blogger have finally got a spam detector.

Vix said...

As always I love your find the most. I do like those ruffles and frills, they make the most of a smaller bust (and I'm another bee-sting and proud lass).
I'm feeling ancient as I've just discovered I need reading glasses. xxx

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

I agree, I've never had big boobs and I'm thankful for it. Anyway as they say, more than a handful is a waste! x

hippyatheart said...

really pretty! and: small boobs are a gift, not something bad ;)

www.janetteria.com said...

I love corsets a lot!


Anonymous said...

Oh that is very nice...and I am very much the same in that department. I never thought of getting one for such reasons ~Good Find ~Love Heather

Ofelia said...

Love corsets. However I have natural large breast (thanks mom) and I look like a street walker on them.
Sometimes just like you said having bigger boobs is not easy. I grew up in Puerto Rico and I always felt subconscious about my breast because my male friends always admire large bottom and I'm have a small bottom.
After moving to the US and seen so many women paying for larger breast; I started to really love mine.

Smashingbird said...

Great find, I like yours better than the Agent Provocateur. I am petite but busty for my size, so there are two things I'd quite like to change about my figure!

Anna Katrina said...

they are so so sexy

stop by sometime<3

jess said...

I like corsets. I got one for the Lady Gaga concert I'm going too.

WendyB said...

I'll always have a thing for corsets! And they're so good for your posture.

Unknown said...

Aaah if I could change anything about myself, the only one thing I'd change is my poochy stomach would be GONE! ^_^ Everything else I can deal with, from the coat-hanger shoulders to the big bust-ses. But my stomach is the bane of my existence.

Comtesse de ferveur said...

What a gorgeous corset top - it will look smashing! At the end of the day, I wouldn't change anything about myself I don't think - not even my pot belly! - I'm happy enough with this "mortal coil". I'm a believer in what you've got, a bit Gok Wan-ish I suppose (though have never seen that show)!!

Anonymous said...

Cute corset find! I have a few corsets and a corset dress. I'm almost flat chested and I like the long underbust corset best.

I had a real problem with my small breasts when I was younger, then I started exercising and experienced the positive side of it. Now I'm happy with what I got.

SabinePsynopsis said...

My only corset is denim, but seeing yours I think I want one too now!

Anonymous said...

Hey there : )
You shop on-line or in-store? which do you realy go for? truly wondering lol.. i love in-store just because i hate expecting it to come!

lunarossa said...

Never wear corsets for your same reason, but this one seems to give me hope. Unfortunately I cannot afford the Agent Povocateur one....Ciao. A.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to take a second and say howdy to everyone today. Looking forward to your site and what everyone has to say. I've been spending to much time on http://kids.yahoo.com/games . Needed a break.

Haute World said...

Such a great corset find! I like the frills which make it look like a cross between a top instead of underwear. I have a corset, but I rarely wear it anymore, because it is a tad too revealing...

Make Do Style said...

That is a fab find and yes damn the boobs, I long for the days of being called 'friend egg tits' - honestly how uncouth but I have to say I have no sagging - good support and correct bra fittings!!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for all your lovely comments they are all so much appreciated xx

Angela said...

i have one from chanel and i wore it once.

TRUC said...

Agent provocateur ♥
Thank you and I will try to translate my blog in English so that everyone can understand! ;)

Style At Every Age said...

That is so cute! I would never wear one, I have the boobs but would never get the belly in! If I could change anything it would be my stomach, a bit of lipo wouldn't go amiss!


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