

Hi everyone!! I hope you all had a lovely Mothers Day, I had a great day which started with a lie in and my usual cup of tea brought up, then an early start to a couple of boot sales which unfortunately didn't yield much at all-I bought 'The Sixth Wife' book for 50p but the walk round them was bracing and built up an appetite for the brunch hubby made when we got home. I also received a new cosy red Duffer sweatshirt from my boys and a lovely card.
Then an afternoon of R&R and a family gathering to watch Manchester United v Chelsea, so nice to be at home with all my family around!!
I had to wrap warm for the boot sales and I wore a couple of new and new to me items. one of which I could wear often and would give a pop of colour-well it had to be a scarf!!

The scarf is absolutely massive-very long and wide so it double looped around my neck twice and although it is a fine material it was ideal for a cold windy day as there is so much of it!! 

I am also wearing a newly thrifted khaki coloured parka by Per Una from Marks and Spencer which I bought last week from the Salvation Army charity shop for £6.99. It is lightweight but warm, so ideal for unsettled weather and an  ideal length too:

It worked out well that the scarf and parka were a perfect match colourwise and I'm also wearing a hand knitted Aran jumper which I thrifted from my local Sue Ryder charity shop last year for £4.99:

It looks like the weather is still going to be cold for a while yet-I'm sure like a lot of you that layering up is proving to be just so boring but necessary- I really cannot wait for Spring to properly arrive!

I am linking this to the lovely Patti at NotDeadyetStyle for her Visible Monday post, wishing you a good week ahead xx


Please may I? said...

Sounds like a heavenly day even if the car boot wasn't as successful as you would have liked.

Loving the scarf.

X x

Veshoevius said...

You look warm in that parka - it's freezing isn't it? Wonderful scarf! Belated Happy Mothers Day to you!

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Yes, just woken up to snow flurries and it sounds like there's a freezing wind out there, so fed up of having to hide all nice tops under jumpers and coats! Love your new scarf though.

Anonymous said...

You're braver than me... I wouldn't be car booting unless it was nice and warm!! Love the scarf, the pop of bright yellow is really lovely.

Style At Every Age said...

I love that scarf Sharon! I love scarves that are really long but fine fabric as they hang nicely. Also you know what a sucker I am for leopard print and the neon yellow is a great way for someone a bit older to rock the trend this season - gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Love your outfit Sharon - great pop of colour! Khaki's such a fantastic colour and really suits you. You should wear colours more often!

hippyatheart said...

that's a fab outfit, love that pop of colour with the neutral tones.

Vix said...

I love that scarf of you, what a welcome splash of colour on a grey day! x

Patti said...

You look warm, and your new scarf is very pretty! Thanks for sharing it with Visible Monday.

Kezzie said...

DId you see the snow today? I couldn't believe those flurries! They were immense! I had an observation lesson and I had to stop my kids from getting distracted by the snow!
Love your new scarf and parka - how lovely!xx

WendyB said...

I'm a big fan of neon yellow!

Unknown said...

You always seem to take a casual look and refine it with great, individualized elements. So great that you have that talent!
And you look pretty while you're doing it!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-your comments are all so much appreciated, thanks so much xxx

Ofelia said...

Sharon, you look beautiful! I love the yellow on the scarf and the blog's new look. Well done my dear!


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