
More Leather

I want an edgy black bomber jacket-of course the budget means a thrifted one, but these beauties from MyWardrobe.com, Net-a-Porter.com and Topshop.com gives me great inspiration for the sort of thing I'm after.................. Nathan Jenden is my favourite, by the way, followed closely by Malene Birger!!!

Malene Birger, £400

Nathan Jenden, £1200 Miu Miu £805

Rick Owens, £1030

Mike & Chris, £590

Topshop, £100


Make Do Style said...

Ok why do I want the Rick Owens one!!

Sharon said...

Hi kate-I can see why you do, its gorgeous, I just prefer a centre zip, I think!

Couture Carrie said...

Love that puffy Nathan Jenden one!!


Sharon said...

Hi couturecarrie- yes, my fave too!!

WendyB said...

The 2nd one is my favorite.

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-yes my fave too-I think this is going to be a popular one!!

Siljesfashion said...

Really want that Rick Owens one, but I will be thrifting this trend as well!

starbrained said...

Yes, I must have one of these. I really like the Miu Miu one.

Danz said...

Hey Sharon! I love the second one the most with those pretty feminine details. That jacket is a fabulous mix of sweet and tough!

Shes Dressing Up said...

The Nathan Jenden one is gorgeous!
I'm too poor for a proper leather bomber so I've had to settle for H&Ms faux one =[

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Your lovely Brown leather jacket is fabulous!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

All of these jackets are just stunning, but I must say that Miu Miu is my favorite. It's just so pretty and feminine in an edgy sort of way. Loving it!

Angela said...

i love the miu miu and rick owens pieces. but, why do they have to be the most expansive???? sad... : (

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-Yes, its gorgeous, but for me too, a thrifted one is the next best option!

Hi la femme chic-yes, the miu miu one rocks-thanks for stopping by!!

Hi danz-yes, my fave too-a real stylish classic!!

Hi nic-haha, this one is popular! H&M is a great choice too!

Hi lenya-thanks so much-so lovely of you!!

Hi cheryl lynn-yes, its a real classic-stylish and gorgeous!

Hi savvy-yes, you're right about the price, its a shame!!

Mira said...

Ahhh... I love'em all :)

Ida said...

I love leather jackets! I wonder why you picked only black ones, though;)) Can't wait to see what you actually end up with, as I am positive it is going to be super stylish, my lovely Sharon.

Have a fantastic new week&month!

Marian said...

the Nathan one is adorable in its details but my fave is the simple rick owens one! could see myself getting loads of wear out of it.
Have a lovely day dear and do let us know if you thrift a gorge leather jacket

Cicely said...

The Miu Miu is so cute! And i love the Nathan Jenden one, his collection was amazing. And of course the Rick owens one.

Eeli said...

Oh, i have been in the search for a perfect bomber. I've got a sudden fondness for a brown coloured one, i think its the recent chocolate diet i seem to have been on lately :)

Sharon said...

Hi mira-yes, me too!!

Hi ida-funnily enough, I didn't see any other colour leather jackets :-} I will certainly show you when I find something!!
Have a great September, my dear!

Hi marian-yes I love these ones too-when I get something, I'll show you!!

Hi susan-haha, they're all great, I agree!!

Hi eelie-thanks for stopping by!! As I've got brown already, I think I'll be looking for black!!

Unknown said...

I love the look of black leather jackets that I see in the shops nowadays -- they have feminine details like puffed sleeves, peplums, princess lines, etc. I've never seen such details before. I'm totally wanting a leather jacket now, lol! I have a couple of suede jackets that I adore, but I've never had a leather one. Unfortunately I can't afford one, and those you find in thrift stores around here are quite bad, so that won't be a purchase for me this season, but I can dream!

Sharon said...

Hi anchibride-maybe you could check ebay out-they have a surplus of leather and delivered to your door too!

Anonymous said...

love the first one! =)

MĂ³nica said...

I am looking for one, but I don't like real leather. The design of the first one is my favourite.

Sharon said...

Hi my fashion frenzy-yes, its totally gorgeous!!

Hi atelier-Yes, I love this one too-good luck finding one!

Toni Alexis said...

I adore the Nathan Jenden

I sooo want it!


Sharon said...

Hi toni alexis-yes very gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

brilliant! i have never seen jackets that nice )

Sharon said...

Hi angel-yes soo gorgeous indeed!

Anonymous said...

Nice jackets!

Sharon said...

Hi bhh-oh yes indeed!!


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