
Thrift Inspiration, doing it the JPG way!

The A/W 08 collection from Jean Paul Gaultier showcased his love of print and design, particularly in an artistic way-I love this first look especially.

This 80s/90s jacket by Jean Paul Gaultier is so reminiscent of this years trend. I got this last year from my local Sue Ryder Care charity shop. I adore the designs used-snakes and mythological ladies and creatures, it is a picture in itself.

The best bit was it was only £5!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


Make Do Style said...

Ah I'm having a love affair with JPG again - how good is his collection and how amazing a find!

Sharon said...

Hi kate-yes, I really love this first outfit-sigh...thanks for your lovely comment!

Dana (MODAna) said...

OMG what a find!!!
I love when I stumble upon vtg designer pieces in secondhand stores, it really makes my heart beat faster as if I've unearthed a treasure

Sharon said...

Hi dana-thanks so much and I know what you mean!! Your heart beats so fast and you don't let go of the item for anything, LOL!

WendyB said...

I love that jacket.

Sharon said...

Hi wendy-thanks so much my dear and hope you have a good weekend!

Angela said...

Oh I used to adore JPG. one of my favorite pieces still is a skeleton head print jacket.


Cool jacket, it's so retro-chic, my dear! And thank you for the lovely words left in my blog for me to read. Btw, how is your other blog doing?

xo/ fashion chalet

Skye said...

It's interesting to see how designers come back to the same ideas time and again - I suppose that's why it can be an investment to buy designer pieces.

Sydney said...

how cute!

i still wonder where everyone finds these amazing bargains!

Deb said...

Hi Sharon, I'm partial to the second outfit. I remember in the early 80's I use to have a outfit similar to it. I love the blue jacket and the price was great too! Stop by when you can I have a treat! Don't Laugh! Deb

Sharon said...

Hi savvy-yup, I do love vintage designer, JPG especially.

Hi fashion chalet-thanks for your lovely comment and the other blog is ticking over nicely-thanks for asking!!

Hi skye-yes, I've noticed that a quality designer vintage piece can be quite timeless in style.

Hi sydney-thanks my dear-luck I suppose!

Hi deb-thanks for your lovely comment and of course I'll be stopping by too!

AsianCajuns said...

That jacket is too cool! What an amazing find!

Sharon said...

Hi asiancajuns-thanks for your lovely comment girls!!!

Marian said...

i like his new collection and LOVE the print of the denim jaceket you thrifted!

Sharon said...

Hi marian-yes I do too-thanks for your lovely comment!!


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