
Atelier Mayer

Hi there!!

As everyone knows, I adore vintage designer fashion and I preferably like to source it by thrifting from Charity Shops and Boot Sales. I also like Ebay, but I spent a lot last year on items, which although I do not regret, don't want to do from now on.

I've just come across a delightful website called Atelier Mayer, which sells online vintage and antique clothing. Not only that, it gives an insight into Vintage Buying, Designers and Icons and Decades in Fashion.

It really is a minefield of information and even if their prices are rather high for you, the information on offer is definitely worth a read, if you are into vintage.

I particularly liked their answer to 'What is Vintage Fashion?' I have been intrigued as to what decade 'vintage' starts from. I'll let you find the answer, click on their website and see for yourself!!


Angela said...

hmmm.. worthy to investigate. thanks sharon, have a wonderful day!

Seeker said...

And do they ship international??

Oh dear, I'll find it, but that's always my first question when I know about a new sale site online.

Thank you so much for sharing, dear


Anonymous said...

thank you so much for sharing! you always have the greatest finds!

La C.

Make Do Style said...

Don't be naughty now and go spending! I like the wine classification for vintage - anything made last year!

Jen said...

Great website - thanks for sharing :)

Marian said...

darling this sounds like A GREAT SITE!! thanks for mentioning it,will check them out sweetie.
thank you! hope your having a good wknd.
muah x

AsianCajuns said...

Oooh, great find. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of Atelier Mayer - thanks for informing us! It is a nice website and I have got to look at it more in depth!

Danz said...

Hey Sharon! Thanks for the sharing this site! I'll check it out and hopefully I can purchase some stuff from there in the future.
Take care and have a great day :)

Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks for your lovely comments, its always great to learn more about vintage!!

Vera said...

definitely something to look into :)

Anonymous said...

I love that site too, shame I can't afford anything on it!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hello, darling,

Please check my blog for the FABOLOUS BLOG AWARD, I pass on you! ♥♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip - I know what I'll be doing with MY lunch break.

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks for your lovely comments, much appreciated!

Tricia said...

good question, what is vintage? I've seen some suspect vintage in my day! Or maybe I'm just getting old?!

Some Like it Vintage.com said...

I've seen this site, fairly new and very well done! Bit pricey for vintage, but beautiful items. Thanks for reminding me of it!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion herald-yes, I'm not overly sure myself!!

Hi some like it vintage-thanks for your lovely comment!


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