
Next Bargain!

The lovely Marian at House of Style received a lovely jumper from Next for Christmas and her pressie inspired me to go looking in Next in their winter sale. I hadn't been in there in a long time for purchases, it was my main haunt for clothes back in the 80s, particularly jumpers and smart tailored wear, so I was hoping I could nab a bargain.

I came across this jacket/cardigan on sale for £15 and what I like about it is how versatile it can be worn. Here I'm wearing it closed and open with jeans, but I would also wear it with a black bodycon dress and also with smart trousers too.

What bargains did you pick up in the sales this winter, or are you saving the pounds for a summer investment?


Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Would you believe all the shopping I've done in the past two weeks has been full price. I'm hopeless when it comes to sales. Unless it's thrifting then apparently I'm a tyrant. LOL

Anonymous said...

Very cool - it has a total Marc Jacobs vibe!

jess said...

Cool jacket. I haven't been clothing shopping in a while. I really want to get some flowery dresses for spring.

Anonymous said...

what unique & fun piece! :)

La C.

WendyB said...

Ooh, fab. Hey, that's kind of a big expenditure for you :-)

Meg said...

I live for sale shopping, so I spent all of my shopping allowance on the day after Christmas.

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon Rose,

What a cooooool knitted jacket! I adore it!

Have a great day!

kisses: Janet

Anonymous said...

Very lovely jacket, and so versatile. You can wear it with a white dress or LBD, throw in something red in the ensemble and it'll be even more fab! I've got this really hot and comfortable ankle booties for about $ 50 or 20 quid. :)

Sharon said...

Hi Ladies-thanks for your lovely comments and LaMimi, I'll take the tip of wearing red with this too, thanks!

Make Do Style said...

£15 Sharon Rose - you've gone large! But you wear it well...

Anonymous said...

Nice jacket, looks great. I haven't bought anything in Next since the early 90's and I can even remember what it was a pair of gorgeous aubergine colour leather Penny Loafers! Hahah!

María Pilar Bernal Maya said...

I really love it! Colour and design. I´ve bought several things on sales. They are in my last post. Kss

Secretista said...

So cute. I love it!

Sharon said...

Hi all-thanks for the lovely comments!

yiqin; said...

THE JACKET IS AMAZING! It fits you so well!

MakeupByRenRen said...

this looks great on you, so chic!

Danz said...

Hey Sharon! That's a great jacket, especially for £15. It fits you very well and I really like the constrast trim.
Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my illustrations. I'm really glad you like them :)
Hope you enjoyed your weekend. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Love that lively print! My main post-holiday score was that set of obi belts - so excited to wear them.

Strawberry Fields said...

wow! awesome! i am curently invsting in summer skirts and pumps. such as the new primark ones i have just bought. check them out =D xx

Angela said...

i picked up a great coat from armani but i don't think it's a bargain....

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

that suits you so well, Sharon! i think my favorite bargain was the black slip i got at this weekend's flea market.

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-you got some awesome pieces ladies, thanks for your lovely comments too!

Lil Midget said...

Looks best with the front open :D
Hmmm..I did get a pair of funky plastic jewellery for AUS$3.00 from my neighbour who had a garage sale. Pictures soon :D
Not saving at the moment. Hardly much income when one is a student! But definitely keeping an eye out for those op-shops :D Hopefully I'll get a job soon :P


Marian said...

my sweet you look rocking! is it just me my dear or is it got a chanel feel! it looks yummy and love how you pared it with the jeans. next has some great knitwear,it just takes a good old perusal :o)
big kiss Sharon.

Sharon said...

Hi Lil Midget and marian-thanks ladies for the lovely comments!

Anonymous said...

It really suits you! And I love the next sale, I got a skirt there which I totally love wearing - it makes me feel so happy!

Siljesfashion said...

Love your new jacket. Its very versatile and a great cut for you! I am really happy with my grey Zara cardigan that I got on sale for a fraction of the orignal price.

Strawberry Fields said...

thanks! xx

Sharon said...

Thanks Emma, Silje and Strawberry Fields for the lovely ccomments!

Couture Carrie said...

I got some adorable hats and tights on sale at Target . . .

Love that jacket!


Seeker said...

Oh yes, that's a sooooooo fab jacket, so versatil and nice. What a find dear.


Shes Dressing Up said...

I just took back my "big" sales buy today, as I realised it wasn't quite as perfect as I'd hoped. Maybe I will use the money to save up for something better in Spring!

AsianCajuns said...

Oooohhh, what a great deal! I'd love a jacket like that for work. I wonder if Next ships to the US... You look lovely as always!

Sharon said...

Hi the seeker, nic and asian cajuns-thanks for the great comments!

Sharon said...

Hi couture carrie-thanks my dear!

Anonymous said...

You must have such a huge wardrobe!
I bought a few basics like underwear over the sales. But I'm not spending another pound until I lose a few holiday pounds. And theyt are stubborn so it may be awhile!

Sharon said...

Hi Karen-LOL, not as big as you think!! I'm going to save now for some summer basics.


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