
So 80s, so now!!

Another trend destined to be hot for 2009 is pale denim. I've always loved this look, and if you are after stone wash, acid wash or a bleached look, then you will most certainly pick something up by thrifting.

A really great look for spring/summer 09, which is casual chic and can be dressed up or down-will you go for it?
Pictures from Grazia Fashion


WendyB said...

You look so cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm LOVIN' this trend! In fact I'm searching for a perfect pair of acid wash jeans! :)

Make Do Style said...

You look fab and I won't be doing it this year as my uniqlo jeans are through which were the palest and brilliant , but with no purchases possible I'll be going without!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon Rose

I love first pic and you look so cooool, especially: jeans!

Have a great weekend, dear!
xoxo: Janet

Sharon said...

Hi wendy-always lovely, thank you!

Hi laMimi-thanks, I too would love the perfect pair as well!

Hi kate-you'll have to rock that rose print skirt more often then!!

Hi janettaylor-thanks a lot my dear!!

Cate said...

I love this look too! The first one is really cool, with the pale shirt and the glasses.

Sharon said...

Hi cate-yes, a real summer look!

saray said...

Love pale jeans.. but hate the way they looks at me

Sharon said...

Hi saray-thats a shame, maybe go for the colour in a mini skirt?

Siljesfashion said...

You look great, perfect for this trend! Oh, yes I am buying some jeans in this color. Which brand are yours? Have a lovely weekend!!

Sharon said...

Hi Silje! These are my cheap buy from the charity shop, they were only £1.69, LOL! But they are now my faves and ideal for this summers trend!

Couture Carrie said...

Acidwash is growing on me but I'm not entirely on board yet . . .

Hope your weekend is fab too!


Anonymous said...

Love, love the jacket!

Marian said...

love the Toshop skirt,i think that the washed/bleached denim look.think it will be big in 2009.
think you look great in it too honey! happy wknd dear x

the healthy ghost said...

Thanks for the spring advice.

Meg said...

If I found the right faded or acid wash piece, I would definately go for it.

Seeker said...

You look so lovely and nice.
I love the 80's, I can't help, I know many people say that it was horrible, but I was a girl of the 80's... and I'm glad some trends are back ;)


ellie said...

Great that its coming back. Love yours too.

Sharon said...

Hi Couture Carrie-Hmm, I'm the same about acid wash, it would have to be the right piece!

Hi fashion frenzy-thanks my dear!

Hi marian-yes, I'm looking forward to this trend, thanks!

Hi the healthy ghost-thanks my dear!

Hi meg-oh I so agree!

Hi the seeker-I love most of the 80s trend, not puffball skirts though, haha!

Hi ellie-thanks my dear!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

That jacket is amazing on you.

Sharon said...

Hi lenya-thanks so much my dear!

Hippie, hippie - milkshake said...

love topshop unique...... and the acid-washed outfit

Sharon said...

Hi HHM-yes, me too!!


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