
Designer Collaberations

Many of you may be aware already that Matthew Williamson will be collaberating with H&M and the collection is due out in April 2009.

He has already been doing a very successful 'Butterfly' by Matthew Williamson collaberation with Debenhams and has previously designed gorgeous dresses, tops and also lovely accessories-here is what is still available at Debenhams online-

Silk scarf, £12
Pink Mars bag, now £42

Julien McDonald also does his 'Star' collection and here is a selection of what is available too-

Striped dress, £45

Leopard print dress, £45

My favourite, Urban Folklore dress, £50

To all my readers, I wish you a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2009!!!


Avi said...

happy new year!! love the bag pink mars bag!

Sharon said...

Hi oddgirldiaries-thanks my dear, Happy New year to you too!

Cadmium said...

oh, you are bright and early! hope you had a great transition, and that 2009 brings a load of thrifting goodness to you!

Sharon said...

Hi karima-thanks so much my dear!

www.janetteria.com said...

Happy New Year, darling!

I love silk scarf! :)

kisses: Janet

Sharon said...

Hi janettaylor-thanks a lot my dear!

saray said...

Happy New Year!

Make Do Style said...

Happy New Year and no just when I can't spend any money MW does a collabe with H&M - it will be brilliant, I love Matthew W xx

Sharon said...

Hi Saray-thanks my dear!

Hi Kate-yes, I love the Debenhams range, I'm so pleased with my new Ibiza bag!

Siljesfashion said...

Love that scarf and cant wait for the H&M collection. Sharon, thank you for that lovely message! I feel so blessed to have met you like this, and hope that we will meet in real life this spring, as it looks like there might be a trip to London! It is one of my biggest wishes to go to boot sales and vintage hunting with you! I love the way you are able to get such amazing affordable pieces. You truly are an inspiration to us all!!

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-oh how very exciting you may come to London!! That would be lovely to meet up! Thanks for your lovely comment too and I wish a happy 2009 my dear!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! all the best in fashion.

Love the urban folklore dress too.

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-thanks my dear!!

Cate said...

Oh, I hadn't heard of that, but it should be really interesting! I didn't like the Comme des Garcons collaboration but I'm sure I will like Matthew Williamson!

By the way, that YSL lipstick you asked me about, it's ROUGE PUR Shade No. 22!

Sharon said...

Hi cate-thanks so much for looking that up my dear!

Anonymous said...

Happy 2009!

Fashion Addict said...

All of these are beautiful! Great post and Happy New Year!

Sharon said...

Hi my fashion frenzy-thanks my dear!

Hi fashion addict-thanks so much and to you too!

Seeker said...

I will look forward for that colaboration (despite I never bought a special collection from H&M, I never got a piece).

Happy 2009, my darling


jess said...

I love the last dress too! I can't wait to see what he does next.

Marian said...

hello darling I love Matthew Williamson!I cant wait to see what he comes up with for h&m.

Shes Dressing Up said...

Happy New Year! =]
I'm so excited for the Matthew Williamson & H&M collab!

Anonymous said...

i love that last dress as well!

La C.


Happy New Year!
I know you'll make it gorgeous one. As you are a lovely woman! :)


Sharon said...

Hi the seeker-yes, Happy new Year to you too my dear!

Hi jess-oh I agree!!

Hi marian-yes, I hope its a good one!

Hi nic-should be lovely!!

Hi lacouturiernyc-yes, I love the colours and pattern, thanks!

Hi fashionchalet-thanks so much, happy new year to you too!

AsianCajuns said...

You Brits are so lucky! I wish we had Dehenhams here. I love that bag. *sigh*

I can't wait to see his collection for H&M. I always love all the colors he uses.

Have a wonderful New Year!!!

Sharon said...

Hi asian cajuns-yes, it should be a lovely collection fingers crossed!


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