
Barbara Hulanicki and Topshop Collaberation!

Apparently, there will be a designer collaberation between Barbara Hulanicki of the original BIBA and Topshop in April!!
The collection will include bodycon dresses and animal print palazzo pants; wide-leg catsuits with cutaway shoulders-a Hulanicki trademark, printed silk chiffon blouses and three quarter length sleeve suede jackets.

It will be a 20 piece collection with prices ranging from £20-£120 and I for one will be very excited to see what is on offer-watch this space!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, how exciting!

yiqin; said...

Hmm sounds good but out of my price range :(

Angela said...

price is very reasonable so i am interested in seeing the collection.

Sharon said...

Hi Sal-I can't wait to see the designs!!

Hi yiqin-thats a shame, there may be a lot of the lower priced pieces available!

Hi savvy-yes, me too!

Siljesfashion said...

Great news! I hope they shipto Norway by then. Have a wonderful weekend!

WendyB said...

Interesting. Very Celia-doing-Ossie-stuff-without-the-brand-name.

Reena Rai said...

No way, that's awesome!! It's going to be around the same time as the Matthew Williamson for H&M collection, right?

Mónica said...

Mr. Green is doing great! I wish our Amancio Ortega (Inditex) would do the same collaborations!!!

Marian said...

Sharon this is great to hear! kudos to you for being first on breaking the news my sweet.sounds super!love the Biba history.The funny thing dear is ive never bought anything from any the designer meet high street collabos.I really should as there are some good ones out there.
big kiss,

Marian said...

darling forgot to say theres a shout out to you at the end of my latest post ;o) so check it out when you can dear.

AsianCajuns said...

That is too cool! I can't wait to see what they come up with.

Unknown said...

Not wildly happy about the sound of all this. But I am delighted that Barbara will finally make some money out of Topshop, since they've been ripping off her designs for years now.

When will the madness end??? ;)

Fashion Addict said...

20 piece collection! That's a lot of pieces - can't wait to see them all!

Secretista said...

How interesting! I have yet to visit a Topshop!

Anonymous said...

i'm quite excited to see this!!

La C.

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-It will be great if they do this! Have a lovely weekend my dear!

Hi anne nicole-thanks for stopping by!

Hi wendy-I'm very intrigued to see whats on offer, plus the quality of it too.

Hi fashion dreamer-yes, both around April-time to save up, haha!!

Hi atelier-yes, Mr Green seems to know everyone, haha!

Hi marian-thanks my dear. Funnily enough, I never used to look at collabs either, but if a piece is nice enough, I definitely consider it now!

Hi asian cajuns-yes, i can't wait to see either!

Hi Miss Peelpants-I'm most intrigued to see what will be on offer, especially the quality of it too.

Hi fashion addict-yes, something for everyone!

Hi secretista-you should check them out online, they're in the US now too!

Hi LaCouturiernyc-yes, it will be fun to see whats on offer!

Emma x said...

Wow i can't wait to this collection, it sounds amazing. Happy new year. Ohh and i've given you an award!

Sharon said...

Hi em-thanks my dear for the award!!


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