
How Darling!!

How about these for jelly plastic shoes? They've certainly come a long way from those blue and pink flat ones that originated in the 80s, LOL!!

Vivenne Westwood has collaberated with Melissa for her Anglomania line and these are going to be available at Harvey Nichols for £70-how cute indeed!!


www.janetteria.com said...

OMG!I want it!

Have a great Friday!

xoxo: Janet

Anonymous said...

Very cute, but I think my feet might get too hot in them..

Sharon said...

Hi janet taylor-yes, I think they're sweet too!

Hi ladies who lunch-yes, that could be the case!!

Anonymous said...

Aren't they the BEST? I've been eying a pair for ages ... I love Melissa's designs.

WendyB said...

Those are cute but I'm always nervous about the comfort factor.

Sharon said...

Hi Sal and Wendy-yes, I do love them, but not sure too about the comfiness.

Strawberry Fields said...

i had a pair of those flats and they were pink and sparkly. i threw them out a long time ago though of course! =D xx

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

oooh how i love that little heart right on front. so cute. happy friday!

Make Do Style said...

I'm thinking poolside - no getting wet worries, cocktail in hand - perfect!

Angela said...

sharon, i want a pair.....

saray said...

soooo cute! I love them..

ellie said...

such sexy shoes. thank you for the note.

Couture Carrie said...

Leave it to Ms. Westwood to make jellies so terribly chic!


Siljesfashion said...

Lovely! I just wish the heel was taller. Have a great weekend, Sharon!

Anny said...

Very cute but I have bad memories of jelly shoes! They were too warm and left my feet feeling slimy *ick*

Seeker said...

OMG they're cute, they really don't seem Melissa....
But... I always am afraid of "jelly shoes" ;)

Have a great weekend


Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

I love Melissa shoes, they always have amazing collaborations.

Susana Rodrigues said...

Hi Sharon :)
Those shoes are not my style, but they are really cute!

Eri said...

Hi Sharon
Thanks for your comment.
Those are adorable too... I have tried them on and they are not that easy to walk on as they are quite heavy... but lovely still.
Have you seen the glitter version with the orb on the front? Very nice too.

AsianCajuns said...

I use to love wearing jellies! If Vivienne sold her's for $15 I'd wear them now!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for the lovely comments, from what Eri says, they're gorgeous but not very comfortable:-(

Shes Dressing Up said...

Ooh they're so cute!
I wonder how comfy they'd be?

Sharon said...

Hi nic-apparently not overly!!

yiqin; said...

I want those Vivienne Westwood shoes too! even though I am not a fan of her designs most of the time. Btw, just read your latest post! You're def the queen of thrifting <3

Unknown said...

Too cute! Those shoes look like the ones I used to put on my Barbie doll when I was little!

Sharon said...

Hi yiqin-thanks so much!!

Hi anchibride-they are really sweet!!

Trendy Gourmandise said...

crazy shoes

Anonymous said...

Wow! Plastic has never been so luxe!:) I wouldn't mind a pair of these plastics!

Sharon said...

Hi trendy gourmandaise-yes, they are cute!!

Hi la mimi-they're really sweet!!

Cal said...

Very cute but I'm not sure I could justify spending that much on plastic shoes...flip flops will do for me when it comes to plastic! haha

Sharon said...

Hi Cal-I see your point, particularly if they're not comfy!

Anonymous said...

Those would be great to wear to a water park or beach! So cute!

Sharon said...

hi budget chic-oh yes indeed!!


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