
Questions, Questions!!

I've been tagged by the lovely Kate from Fashion and Film-here are the guidelines if you've been tagged:

1. Respond and rework. Answer the questions on your blog, replace one question you dislike with a question of your own invention; add a question of your own.
2. Tag eight other un-tagged people.

What is your current obsession?

Well, now the seasons started, it has to be the boot sales. I went Sunday and scored an authentic Missoni tunic/dress for £3, an American Apperel tee for £1-above, Topshop 'Minnetonka style' suede ankle fringe boots for £4-below, and lots of music CDS to sync onto my I-POD, my other current obsession of the moment!!

Good fika place?(That would be coffee to us non-Swedes)

Well, it would be Costa Coffee or the Marks & Spencer cafe for either a mocha with cream or a cup of Earl Grey tea.

Do you nap a lot? No, I wish I could though!

Who was the last person you hugged? Hubby earlier on the couch!

What’s my favourite dinner? Paella from Aldis-deliciously yummy, with hubbys homemade chips and chinese style spare ribs-not healthy, but sure tastes good!!

What was the last thing you bought? The items from the boot sale that I mentioned above!!

What are you listening to right now? 'If you want it' Ike and Tina Turner, Livin For The City

What is your favourite weather? Hot, hot and more hot sunny weather if you please!!

What's in your bathroom cabinet? Shower gel, shampoo and clearasil lotion--boring essentials!!.

Say something to the person/s who tagged you. Dear Kate, one of my fave bloggers, I'm so pleased you are still in blogworld despite giving up Make Do Style. I'm enjoying reviews of films that I haven't watched yet or haven't heard of-thanks my dear!!

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be? Somewhere hot, with lots of scope for self sufficiency!!

Favourite vacation spot? Anywhere, I enjoy different places and experiences.

Name the things you can’t live without. Of course, family is number one, then it has to be thrifting and listening to music, my favourite obssesions of the moment.

What is your favourite tea flavour? Definitely Earl Grey.

What would you like to get rid of? Terrorism all around the world.

What did you want to become as a child? A bank manager, LOL!

What do you miss? Hot weather on a daily basis.

What are you reading right now? I'm really not into reading books at the moment, so I have to own up to this weeks Grazia and the latest Elle.

What's your favourite brand of jeans? Has to be Levis.

What designer piece of clothing would you most like to own (new or vintage)? A perfect fit, original 80s Alaia dress.

My own question

Would I live my life differently to how I do now? I feel really good about life, I have a lovely family, a great job that doesn't pay much but has advantages such as great holidays and good hours, I indulge in thrifting as often as I choose and I'm happy enough. I'm 40 this year and I can honestly say I'm fine with life thanks.

I'm tagging : Asian Cajuns, Eri, Em-Passion for Fashion, Janet Taylor, La Mimi, La Couturier, Saray and Secretista-thanks ladies!!


paanie said...

great post sharon! when you find that alaia let us know!

ellie said...

You had some wonderful answers to all the questions.

Thanks for the note.

WendyB said...

It's nice to read about someone who is actually happy with her life. Well done!

saray said...

Thanks for tagging me!

Couture Carrie said...

Love your answers, S! Yay for boot sales!


Angela said...

love your answers. i find taking nap an hour everyday really makes a gal look younger and more rested.

tanya said...

yay--I love reading tags :-) that t-shirt looks so comfy!

www.janetteria.com said...

oh, I love reading tags and thanks! :)

xoxo: Janet

Gigi said...

Looking good, Sharon! I can't wait til' it warms up and you can wear your spring vintage dresses!

Seeker said...

These memes are so nice, loved your answers


Emma x said...

Thanks for tagging me, i love reading about people so its fab to read your answers. I've saved the questions so i can answer them when i have some time to spare! x

Winnie said...

I loved reading this Sharon. I definitely think you wouldn't be quite the same without your thrifting!

Nina (Femme Rationale) said...

love your answers! i love levi's, too, and would kill to own an original 80's alaia.

AsianCajuns said...

Thanks for the tag! I'll get cracking on this right away ;).

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for your lovely comments!!

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

it was so fun reading your answers and i agree, hot weather is the best!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME moccasins

isabelle said...

love the shoes!

Siljesfashion said...

So fun reading all your answers! Great bargains as usual, and I also heart the hot weather. And I cant believe you are 40. You always look so amazing!!

Cari said...

Cute shoes! Love your answers. http://isnotfashion.blogspot.com/

Marian said...

darling i love your approach to life and your love for thrifting! love reading your answers.


thanks for tagging me! =] I loved your answers =]

La C.

Jen said...

Tehee, a bank manager!! I don't think i even knew what that was when i was younger :)

Anonymous said...

What! A Missoni for three quid? No way! I looked at them in Italy and gasped at the prices. Needless to say I came home empty-handed!!!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for the kind comments! Silje, thanks my dear, the big 40 has come round quick, LOL! Karen-I could not afford retail priced Missoni, so was pleased with this buy indeed!!

Secretista said...

Oh dear! I never said thanks for the tag. I wish you could nap more too!! You must have such a busy life!!

Sharon said...

Hi Secretista-no worries my dear!!


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