
Breakaway on the Essex Coast

Hi everyone!! A Big Thanks to all of you for your lovely comments on my posts recently, the reason I haven't been visiting you all is we've had a family breakaway to Clacton, which is a beach resort on the Essex Coast.

From where I live, it takes just over an hour and of course, we stayed at the Travelodge again, which was a bargainous £19 for the room for each night!!

These pictures are on the 2nd day, when it turned rather overcast, but it was still warm!!

The boys in the sea!!

Clacton Pier and the Sea

The Gardens on Clacton Seafront

Me and My Boys!!

There were themed gardens which were all so very beautiful

I can see you dear!!

We had an absolutely fabulous time and we got the best of the British weather too, coming home yesterday it was raining, so we were lucky indeed!!


Gerri Ward said...

Wow! These are solely Beautiful photos! Roses, OMG! I just thought Sharon Rose, (Roses)- Anyway, Roses,YOU,Your Sons and the Sea, what a lovely post - Thanks for sharing!!!

paanie said...

aw, you're boys are cutie pies!

Pamcasso said...

Glad you are having such a lovely trip! I didn't know there were any palm trees in the UK!!

www.janetteria.com said...

Lovely post! Beautiful photos and the weather looks so fatnastic. :-)


Make Do Style said...

Lovely! Love the gardens.

Fashion and more said...

Nice to get away sometimes, even if it's only an hour away from home.
Lovely photos

Anonymous said...

Fantastic fun, and the gardens look lovely.

Style At Every Age said...

I remember going to Butlins at Clacton when I was little, is it still there?
You look like you had a great time and the Boys look like they will break some hearts!

Marian said...

glad you had a lovely trip, it looks like a lovely location honey!

WendyB said...

Looks lovely! I'm jealous. I love the sea.

Anika said...

oooh, it looks wonderful m'dear.
and p.s. how cold exactly is that water? I'm shivering thinking about it haha.

p.p.s. 19 quid a night???!!! whhhhaaaaa? that's a bargain.

have a lovely week bella!

Siljesfashion said...

Love the photos! Looked like you had an amazing time!

Angela said...

looked like you and your family had a fabulous vacation. : ) have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flower gardens!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for the lovely comments, all so kind of you all!

C.Elizabeth and Natalia said...

Those are such lovely photos... and it's so nice to see such a happy family enjoying their time together. Thanks for sharing!


E said...

I love that you call it a breakaway. That's what I'm going to start calling vacations now :)

ellie said...

You just look lovely in that shot! & your boys are growing up so quickly. Love the pics. Beautful beach pics too.

Thank you so much for the note. I'm glad you guys are getting away to enjoy the surf and sand.

La Mimi said...

It looks like you guys had a fantastic time~ I'm so happy for you Sharon...:) The photos look lovely , especially when the sun came out..hehe


{Tara} said...

What gorgeous scenery -- looks like a fantastic time!!

Sophia said...

ohhh man i love the beach. great photos, and glad you had a great time! vacation is amazing.

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks so much!!

Marte said...

Nice pictures Sharon Rose :)


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