
What £10 can buy

Its great to find bargains for myself, but even nicer if I can find things for the men in my life. So when I was thrifting a couple of weeks ago and spent exactly a tenner, here's what I brought home:

Mens Versace dress shirt for hubby, Cancer Research £4.50

John Rocha tee for hubby, St Francis Hospice, £1.50

Ralph Lauren denim shirt, Salvation Army £1.50 and Gucci loafers, St Francis Hospice £2.50

I think that tenner went a long way, LOL!!


Sophia said...

nice finds!
you are officially the best thrifter on the planet.

www.janetteria.com said...

I love Ur outfit Sharon!


WendyB said...

Interesting to see that the Mister benefits from your thrifting!

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

I am always impressed with your finds. I live in quite an affluent area but the charity shops seem very run of the mill. I notice your best finds are small charity shops - is that the secret? Do the large charity shops pick out the best bargains for their staff?

Style At Every Age said...

Not sure what I love most today your wonderful finds or the Wendy B Seal of Approval! x

Sharon said...

Thanks to you all for the great comments, regarding my finds, I would say the main towns around me have at least 4-6 shops in each town and their prices generally are cheap to reasonably priced for most items. Some shops do charge higher prices for designer or high end High Street, but I've been lucky with my finds through rummaging I guess.

Sharon said...

Me again-I think also a lot of volunteers do not recognise designer brands, so thats why they can slip through for cheaper.

Smashingbird said...

I've always managed to find good stuff for my fella too, you can't beat that excitement of knowing you've got a fab bargain!
You'd think after the Mary Queen of Charity Shops show people would be a bit more clued up regarding labels, but it's all the better for us bargain hunters though!

lunarossa said...

Lovely to think of hubby roo, Sharon! I agree with Jane above, I think you're lucky to manage all those finds! Here in York the best you can find is some battered Topshop items! Someone I know who used to volunteer for a charity shop in Newcastle told me that the staff would choose the best items every delivery even before deciding the prices! Not sure if this applies everywhere....Surely not at your end, Sharon! Ciao. A.

Haute World said...

Truly amazing... I know people who wouldn't even be able to get lunch on a tenner, let alone so many outfits! And I'm not even going to act surprised anymore when you tell me how much you paid for a CdG shirt ;-) One day you're going to have to take us all shopping with you!

Hope you're having a lovely weekend so far!

Winnie said...

Great buys Sharon!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Fantastic - those brogues are the bees knees

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Wow, do I need to make a ten spot go farther!

Gerri Ward said...

I think it's time,YOU need to create that BOOK now about being the BEST THRIFT SHOPPER THERE IS: SHARON ROSE!!!:)

Anika said...

I agree with Sophia....officially the best thrifter! Love the finds and cannot believe that it was all purchased for a tenner!

Prices for decent second hand clothes is Australia are fairly steep....it's worth it because it's for charity though.

Take care, thrifting queen *bow down* ;)

C.Elizabeth and Natalia said...

That's surely amazing what you managed to buy with £10! I'm sure your boyfriend loved it as well!


Emma x said...

I think you should rename your blog 'Sharon Queen of Thrit' Hope you're having a fab weekend x

yiqin; said...

The shirt is nice! I need to start thrifting soon!

Lauren (AsianCajuns) said...

Such a long way! Great finds again, Sharon! I'm sure your menfolk are super impressed and grateful they have such a resourceful and generous lady around. I love that denim shirt on you!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for your lovely comments, they are always much appreciated!!

Make Do Style said...

You do such wonders! I missed out on some bargains - a charity shop near my in-laws in Bath looked brilliant and I didn't discover it until 10pm last night!

Marian said...

honey that tenner went a long way! and what brill finds too. love the gucci loafers

Sharon said...

Thanks so much ladies, so lovely of you-Kate, what a shame :-(

Angela said...

nice for the mister.

Sharon said...

Thanks Savvy Gal!!

Belle de Ville said...

Incredible vintage finds, especially those guccie loafers.
Well done!

Sharon said...

Hi Belle de Ville-thanks so much!!


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