
My Fashionably Forward Family

Both my adorable boys are finding their fashion feet-I've really noticed this as quite a few items of mine are now in eldest sons wardrobe- tees, belts, scarfs, even skinny jeans (which look better on him than me, LOL!!)


Fashion and more said...

awwwwwww wow, what cuties.

Doriana Gray said...

Very handsome boys! What fun if you can go thrifting together!

WendyB said...

They're getting all grown up, aren't they!

María Pilar Bernal Maya said...

It´s great that yours sons use our things. I love when my daughter wants wear my clothes. It makes me feel younger! jajaj

www.janetteria.com said...

So cute! :-)


Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos, they look fab!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Handsome and stylish - lock them up now because girls will be problem.

Make Do Style said...

Great looks!!

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

wow! your boys are very stylish indeed! =)


Bonnie said...

Your boys are stylin'. Very cute!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

How cute are they?? Taking after their mama for sure!

Winnie said...

I remember writing a comment a while ago saying that if you had girls then you would be forever missing clothes from your wardrobe...sounds like I was wrong!

It's great seeing your sons on this blog too!

Gerri Ward said...


Angela said...

handsome boys. :)

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

What lovely boys.

Unknown said...

I'm sure that is so cool! You can go shopping all together. ;D

Travel and Living
Job Hunt Pinoy

ellie said...

Scarves like that are around here..still not that many guys get into them in our parts. I wish they would.

I so love the hat. Is it knitted or crochetted?

Mónica said...

how cool they look! they have a great fashion- teacher ;)

yiqin; said...

Ah guys wit scarves are the best :D

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all the sweet and lovely comments, you are all so kind!

Haute World said...

Awww your boys are pretty cool! (I was going to say adorable, but I'm sure they'd resent that ;-) They've definitely adapted the same great style as their mum! You must be so proud :) Hope you had a lovely Tuesday!

lunarossa said...

Great handsome boys! Real style-gurus! My compliments to you. Ciao. A.

Sharon said...

Thanks so much ladies!!

Anonymous said...

VERY handsome boys! Little one is too cute in that scarf :)

La Mimi said...

Well...no wonder your boys are so fashionable. They have you as a mother...lol:)


Anonymous said...

Your sons are too cute! That's so great that they're taking after they're fashionable mom! Love sharing an interest with my mom and I can tell she perks up whenever we talk about fashion. Hope you are doing well!

xo, Becs

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks for those lovely comments, they are very much appreciated!!

nurmisur said...

Your boys are so cool!
And what a sweet look they have(I know they won't apreciate this part ;) )
It's very good that they are developing their own style,but they are going in the right way to be heartbreakers :D

Sharon said...

Hi nurmisur-thanks so much, eldest son is very much fashion savvy, LOL!

budget chic said...

Look at those beautiful babies. Your boys look so much like you Sharon.

Sharon said...

Thanks so much Budget Chic!

Marian said...

Your boys are adorable!

Sharon said...

Hi Marian-thanks so much my dear!


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