
Thrift Inspiration, Doing it Net-A-Porter style!!

Now its coming up to Autumn and Winter, ankle boots, particularly suede ones are really in trend and these Christian Louboutin Fifre 120 suede ankle bootees, available at Net-A-Porter for £765 are just perfect for any occasion.
These equally gorgeous ones are by Pedro Garcia-the Dorice boots at Net-A-Porter for a cheaper £280.

So it was great to see these in trend for autumn as I had thrifted these cute plum suede ankle boots in Spring. They were from the Cancer Research charity shop and were around £4.50.

I haven't worn them yet, but on routing through my shoes and boots for autumn and winter, I realised these will also fullfil my wishlist item of heeled ankle boots, but in suede and colour.

I really like the colour and style of these-not overly high for me and they will look equally as good with jeans as they will with a floral dress, cardi and opaques come the colder weather.


Gerri Ward said...

WOW! I knew YOU would find another pair of FABULOUS SOLES! I luv this sole, (the colour and style) just what's in STYLE for FALL!
There's something MAGICAL about YOU!:}

WendyB said...

Your thrift find is AWESOME. I love that color! You're going to wear these a lot, I can tell.

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

i need/want/need those red booties.

Unknown said...

Great find! ;D And oh Sharon, can't wait to see you wearing those shoes. ;D

Travel and Living
Job Hunt Pinoy

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

I love the colour, the style and the price!

Make Do Style said...

Perfect! Plum is a fab colour and suede is big this year. You will wear and wear them.
Allow yourself a smug smile!

www.janetteria.com said...

Ur thrifted are the best! haha! Great finds...


Haute World said...

These are terrific... I love the color! And they look so comfortable as well! I also like the fact they're lace-booties. I'm always so paranoid when it comes to wearing suede on my feet... just because Europe with it's rain tends to ruin them for me, so I definitely don't see a point paying a lot of money for suede footwear. Yet another fabulous steal!

Fashion and more said...

Lovely color and sensible heal :o) great buy.

ellie said...

so pretty. I love the color. I hope you enjoy them. thank you so much for the note.

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

i love the red boots!


Anonymous said...

I love the colour!

Anonymous said...

Great find in a gorgeous color.

Emma x said...

The CL boots are to die for x

nurmisur said...

They are beautiful and look very confortable.

Anonymous said...

Love the colour! Great boots xx

budget chic said...

Sharon, those are cute! I also seen a pair at Aldoshoes.com. They were blue suede and super fierce. I would order them but their shoes are european sizing with no half sizes available and I know without trying them on in the store that the sizing would be a issue for me, since their shoes seem to be cut very narrow. Any hoo, great find once again!

Winnie said...

These look like they are in the best condition...and for suede that is amazing! Superb find!

Anonymous said...

I would prefer your choice also :) Wonderful find!

{Tara} said...

Love the color of your thrifted booties!!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for the fab comments, so kind of you all!

Anika said...

hey beautiful, love the louboutin ones but I think I like the ones you thrifted more! They are so unique and pixie-esque...can we get an outfit post with them? Please pretty please? :D
Speaking of shoes, I was naughty and bought a couple of pairs today. Soooo pretty though. And I love...
don't you love how shoes can make you happy.

Hope you're having a fab week, gorgeous girl :)

yiqin; said...

I like the purple ones. So glam :)

Cadmium said...

well thrifted, as usual - lovely plum color, so autumny!

Siljesfashion said...

How cool! Great color!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Love the deep plum shade!

Style At Every Age said...

Wow so many comments! fab boots, love the colour!

Sharon said...

Thanks so much to you all for the lovely comments!!

Saver Queen said...

Wow - those are gorgeous! Love them! You have such an eye for style! It reminds me of when I first moved to the UK, and was in *awe* of all the gorgeous shoes that your stores have. Much better than in Canada. I wish I knew then about your secrets to thrifting. I would have been in the charity shops a lot more!

Sharon said...

Hi Saver Queen-thanks a lot, I'm lucky there are a lot of good quality, reasonably priced shops in my and nearby towns!!

lunarossa said...

Fantastic! I keep on wondering how you manage to get these fab finds. You must have a special "hunting quality"...Have a nice weekend. Ciao. A.

Sharon said...

Hi Lunarossa-thanks my dear!!


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