
Thrift Inspiration, Doing it French Style!!

When I was deciding what to wear yesterday, I was feeling very 'Francais'. I knew I wanted to wear my pearls 'a la Coco', so on went my pearl stud earrings and my long pearl beads.

I also wanted to wear my newest Gaultier find from the boot sale last month-its a Gaultier 2 tee and was only £1.50. I decided to wear it with my See by Chloe flared summer jeans.

There was a slight chill in the air, so I decided to add my silk Orla Kiely scarf around my neck-it really made a difference to the wind factor, LOL!

So, ensemble complete it was off to town to try and get some boring work trousers. I managed to find some in Primark and I also picked up a lovely leopardprint dip dye scarf, a skinny studded belt, lace tights and a grey beanie-the total including the trousers came to £11.26!!

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend, whatever you are up to!!


WendyB said...

Can't wait to see all your new finds!

Gerri Ward said...

Wow! You look sooo Fabulously Glamorous! Just like WendyB, I can't wait to see what you FIND knowing I'm going to drool with ENVY!
p.s. You solely INSPIRE ME to not spend a Fortune and go into DEBT!- THANK YOU!!!

Style At Every Age said...

You look cool!

Make Do Style said...

Fabulous outfit and yet more bargains from Primark - although I'm thinking of swearing myself off Primark and a few other stores!

Anika said...

whoa, I knew Primark was cheap, but that cheap?!>! Perfect...will have to check it out when I get to London!

p.s. how has you week been bella?

Loving the shoes you picked up on your last thrift hunt ;)

Anonymous said...

I want to see that leopard print scarf you got :)

Have a great weekend too!

Anonymous said...

You always looks so well put together as my mum would say!

nurmisur said...

It's always interesting to know how we ended up wearing what we wear.
You must have some kind of super sense for bargains because you always find great stuff at amazing prices.
Hope you're having a great weekend.

Winnie said...

Going into my local Primark is a nightmare...too many women pushing pushchairs! Sounds like you found yourself some great bargains!

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

I love the chic way you wear the scarf.

Anonymous said...

Tres Bien! You look lovely! xxxxx

www.janetteria.com said...

Great find! :-)


yiqin; said...

The way you wearing your scarf is so lovely :)

Marian said...

fantastic ensemble honey for less than 12 quid! i love those flare jeans honey! they look great with platforms or wedges.
big kiss

Unknown said...

Well I highly approve. Flares and a JPG top, fabulous!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for all of your lovely comments, always much appreciated!!

Sydney said...

that colour is fantastic!


Sharon said...

Hi Sydney-thanks my dear!!


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