
Layers and a LBD

In the summer holidays I came across this woollen little black dress, which has a great deconstructional feel about it, with an asymmetric neck and hemline which I love, as well as it being bodycon style too. its by United Colours of Benetton and was about £4 from the Sense charity shop.

My other fave find was from last week and was this grey top from H&M, which is just right for layering-this makes this LBD totally wearable for winter and its certainly a cosy, comfy outfit too!

I still need to get used to high heels, I'm only comfy from the knees upwards, LOL!!


WendyB said...

Good neckline!

Make Do Style said...

Great little number - you are having a lbd rush now!

the top, dress and boots look great together.

Style At Every Age said...

You look great in this, I love it!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Wow!! You look amazing! The neckline really flatters your face

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon,

What a fantastic dress. Reminds me of Margiela top! Great find as always...

Anonymous said...

Great outfit. Love the dress- the draping/ folds are really cool and the whole asymmetric feel.

Anonymous said...

Ooh I remember you mentioning this dress, I've been looking forward to seeing it. It's really gorgeous, you look fantastic! (Good luck with the heels!!) xxx

Smashingbird said...

great outfit, I'm still looking for my perfect lbd!

alwayslistentoyourart said...

i love the dress!

ellie said...

So nice. Oh, I feel for you in the heels. I have nightmares about that sometimes.

Anonymous said...

LOL we are the opposite I'm almost always in some heel (not high but for comfort)

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I ADORE this look! Might be my favorite look of yours ever.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-such kind and lovely comments, thanks so very much to you all!!

Angela said...

Sharon, I like this look very much. i have been layering tank tops. Once it becomes cooler here I will try your look.

Winnie said...

That dress is so lovely! What a find, it looks so nice with that jersey top underneath but would be absolutely fantastic dressed up with a clutch for the evening.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Loving the assymmetry!

Gerri Ward said...

WOW! YOU LOOK FABULOUS! I luv,luv, luv this dress and the soles are solely to envy!!!:)

Meg said...

Cool neckline!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks so much to you all!

alwayslistentoyourart said...

I like the neckline!



ellie said...

I hope you have a great weekend in this number.

Tracey said...

I love this dress on you. Reading your blog yesterday has inspired me to get back into the groove - both my sewing machine and my dressmaking.

nurmisur said...

super look for fall, and you look so good in black. Very very polished!

www.janetteria.com said...

P.S. I have a little award for you! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Love that neckline! So chic!

Marian said...

that is a great dress Sharon, the cut is perfect and it drapes wonderful. love it worn over the top.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon - Thought you might like the items I'm selling on ebay, lovely vintage lace dress. I love your blog. x


love home|life|style said...

Hi Sharon, what a great dress to find, and I love how you've layered it.
Hey, the heels look amazing...

Sharon said...

Thanks everyone-your comments are very much appreciated!!

Seeker said...

My dear, you look so chic in your lbd!!!! A fantastic dress indeed.


budget chic said...

Love that sharon, the neckline is interesting and layering brings out the interesting shape of the dress even more. I would have bought that too!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-so kind, thanks a lot!


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