
Casual shirts

I was really pleased to find this Levis big 'E' denim shirt at the boot sale a couple of weeks ago for only £1!!! Denim and denim shirts are bang on trend for this season, I'll definitely be wearing it and shirts are a great layering piece too!!

The big 'E' on Levis pieces was discontinued in 1972 and this shirt seems like a 'deadstock' item, as its in very good condition for being nearly as old as me, LOL!!


WendyB said...

An antique!

Anonymous said...

It's even in that western wear cut!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

That top is almost to good to wear.

Angela said...

plaid and denim, chic and casual. : )

Meg said...

That shirt is in amazing condition for being so old!

Anonymous said...

where exactly are these charity shops cos the ones at my end are so expensive dowm here in golders green

help i love fashion and i love a budget outfit to

lunarossa said...

Super thrifting as usual, dera Rose! You have a real "eye" for bargain. Great. Ciao. A.

Wildernesschic said...

I have to say I love my Levis denim shirt owned it for almost 20 years and still wear it all the time :) A real £1 per wear bargain if ever there was one . Great find x

love home|life|style said...

How cool!
I can't believe I dumped all my old levi's stuff.
Mind you, I was about 14 at the time I was really into it, so none of it would have fit now.
Love these shirts, great with leggings.

Noémie K said...

cute and timeless

Etrapar said...

haha, you'll always be young ^.^

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all the lovely comments, so much appreciated!!

To anonymous, I live on the East London/Essex border, so my town and four other neighbouring towns have at least 5 charity shops each to visit, plus all the boot sales too-I'm lucky to have a lot of places to visit that are very reasonable value indeed!!

www.janetteria.com said...

Great levi's! :-)


Anonymous said...

thanks for replying but where exactly are we talking r we talkig brintree,chelmsford areas

Sharon said...

Hi there-I don't really want to leave my location on here, but suffice to say I live between Stratford and Romford, hope this helps!!

Anonymous said...

More great finds! The plaid is adorable.

Style At Every Age said...

My daughters are all buying check shirts at the moment!

Denisa L said...

great buys!

Make Do Style said...

LOL - very witty and a great find!

Anonymous said...

thats amazin! i can never find anything at bootsales, the hard sales and pushyness scare me!

budget chic said...

Vintage Levi, you will have that for another 30 years girl! Those items were made to last! Can't find workmanship like that anymore in the denim arena.

Mom Fashion World said...

what a scored!
wow, especially the vintage levis is awesome!


bryna said...

wow, what a great find.

Sharon said...

Hi there-such lovely comments, thanks a lot to you all!

Unknown said...

Those are great bargain. ;D

Travel and Living
Job Hunt Pinoy

Anika said...

You thrifting goddess you! Insanely envious of all the fantastic loot you've scored.

Can't wait to see the pieces in action :)

Anonymous said...

Vintage Levi is a very very good thing :)

yiqin; said...

Nice shirts! I love oversized ones. They are so good as outerwear.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I would love to score a piece like that!

Seeker said...

As always dear such great pieces for such bargain.
Great basics indeed!!!


Sharon said...

Such lovely comments, thanks to you all!!

AsianCajuns (Lauren) said...

Can't wait to see the outfits you create with these, Sharon!

Marian said...

i love vintage Levi shirts, this is a classic honey!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks so much to you!!


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