
Thrift Inspiration, Pirate Style

My gorgeous blogger friends are a constant source of style inspiration-the lovely Pearl over at Fashion Pearls of Wisdom did a great post on Vivienne Westwood pirate boots on Monday, which I was so pleased to see, as on Saturday I purchased these ankle pirate style boots from budget shoe shop Priceless-half price from £20 to £10.

Obviously not in the league of Viviennes, but more in my price league and still a stylish low budget alternative!! I'm sure I'll be wearing these a lot this Autumn.

Who or what is inspiring you this Season?


www.janetteria.com said...

Great find! I need a new flat boots, becasue my pieces have too high heels or wedges and I think they aren't not cut out for any colder and snowy weather.

Pearl Westwood said...

Great find as always! I really like the ankle style. Just think we could do a bloggers version of Pirates of the Carribean LOL ;-)

Vix said...

Great find, I've got an original pair of 1980's ones that look remarkably similar to yours, one of the few flat pairs of footwear I own. xxx

Make Do Style said...

You always do it! A true star.

I used my favourite clutch last night the Anya from you. Got lots of comments xx

lunarossa said...

Love the boots! I had similar ones a few years ago but I was folish enough to get rid of them! I should remember that fashion styles go and then come back again...Love the chinos in your previous post too. Ciao. A.

devilishlypleasurable said...

they're gorgeous. . you got a great eye for bargains!

WendyB said...

A couple of years ago I saw red on red Westwood pirate boots. If I hadn't just bought red boots I would have gotten them, but who can justify two pairs of red suede boots?

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

sweet boots! if you're going for the pirate vibe, you could try wearing them with a retro headscarf! =)


Bonnie said...

Great boots! Can't wait to see you style them with an outfit.

Have a great day Sharon, Bonnie

Winnie said...

Great bargain!

Heather said...

Those are adorable...you could do lots with them ~have fun with your new boots ~Love Heather

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, good buy. You will definitely get lots of wear out of them. I'm short of a low heeled boot and a low shoe this season. I have stilettos and wedges everywhere xx

Anonymous said...

Ooh I like those. You are going to be stylin.

AX80 said...

Rather than pirate boots, I see this as medieval bootins that Chloé emphasized so last season. A nice break from heels doesn't hurt anyone.

Anonymous said...

Great find, you are the bargain queen! Love your blog, it is so inspring xxx

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

You are the BEST bargain finder around lady. Those are fab!

Unknown said...

The funny thing is, I'm sure Vivienne would approve. They're a great alternative, you're so good at this!

ellie said...

I love these. I have some similar. & I wore them last year..and this year too.

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, there's a blog tag over at mine for you. Have a great weekend xx

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all your lovely comments and have a good weekend!! x


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