
Denim Shorts for Spring

Denim never goes out of trend and denim shorts are back yet again for this season. If you don't fancy paying out for denim shorts, why not do a touch of diy on a pair of existing jeans?

From UK Vogue, May supplement

Now Spring is here and summer is in the air, I thought I'd wear my 7 For All Mankind denim shorts that I customised from jeans earlier this year.

I do like wearing them casually with black opaque tights for now and when summer is here I'll wear them with bare legs!

I'm wearing my Topshop I Love London tee which is from the Barnados Charity shop and my leopardprint ballet pumps with the shorts

How will you be wearing denim this spring-are shorts your thing, or do you prefer a denim skirt or denim capris for summer?


Anonymous said...

You look so cute love the shorts!! Have a fabulous weekend love Heather

mispapelicos said...

You look so cute in your shorts, my friend.

hippyatheart said...

cut off shorts are so easy to wear and an effortless piece for spring and summer! love them! your shirt is great, too!

Perdita Tinsel said...

I love the length of those jeans shorts- hard to find on the HS. I have an old pair of jeans languishing at the back of the wardrobe: might have to make my own too!

Rebecca said...

If/when my legs look as good as yours - I'll try shorts. Till then, capris :)

Please may I? said...

Looking as lovely as ever my dear!

I brought the youngest some shorts, highwaisted and after being worn a few time she has now decided they are far to big! well a new pair of shorts for me. Bless.

X x

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, they're great.

I'm going to cut down a pair of trousers and make some. Mrs Jones says that's the best way to find the right fit and length.

Hope you're having a lovely weekend xx

CameronPoe2409 said...

I like your shorts! I'm thinking of cutting down a pair of my old jeans for the summer rather than buy new. Hope you're having a fab weekend! xx

Jamie-Lee Burns said...

I love denim shorts for spring/summer - prob would do mine a bit shorter than yours perhaps with opagues or without with a tank tucked in :)

Style At Every Age said...

I love wearing shorts in summer especially denim but always quite long and just above the knee. I have never worn them with tights but my girls do.

MosaMuse said...

i like denim shorts for the summer


Ofelia said...

I do wear shorts with tights and I also love to wear capris instead of shorts during the Summer (which is almost the entire year for us).
Great outfit, you look like a college girl!

www.janetteria.com said...

Yepp, yepp! I have a few pair of denim shorts - capris! But is love denim skirt too...


Katherine said...

I love denim shorts for spring - they are so versatile - and your pair from Topshop is lovely! Adore how you styled them :)

SabinePsynopsis said...

They look great on you, Sharon. I've got a very short pair, for which I fear I'm getting slightly too old - oh well, for the garden then.

jess said...

I'm going to make a pair of denim shorts soon.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for all the lovely comments!! xx

vint junky said...

I couldn't wait for shorts weather (well, with tights even) but now it's here i cannot find my favourite old denim pair. It's a mystery!
I love the longer version. I may cut up a pair ;)

Unknown said...

Love your tee and shorts! I'm a big-time denim girl but I can't really do shorts. I think I'm too old for the truly short ones and the more knee-length ones don't flatter me. For this reason I prefer denim skirts for summer/warm weather! :o)

Veshoevius said...

I like denim shorts for summer but generally wear them to the beach - like your customised ones - must feel peversely satisfying to be able to customise a pair of Current Elliots!


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