
Thrift Inspiration, Comfy Style

Because I'm up and out early for the boot sales now, comfort and warmth take priority over style- I wore my wellies on Sunday and when I came home they were thick with dust, normally its mud!!

So it was just a change of coat and boots for our trip into London and we had a lovely stroll around the Tower of London, before taking a leisurely drive through St Johns Wood and West Hampstead.

I'm wearing a Pauls Boutique parka, thrifted from the boot sale, cowboy boots also from the boot sale, Jean Paul Gaultier tee from the charity shop and M&S leggings.

Our drive back took us past London Zoo, so I had to snap the giraffes, they are so cute and what lovely skins they have, stylish forever, lol!!

When does comfort take priority over style for you??


That's Not My Age said...

Oh I always have to feel comfortable - which means I hardly ever wear heels. Nice parka!

Smashingbird said...

I have to admit popping on some sneakers to walk the dog now and again!

hippyatheart said...

comfy is definitely more important for me! if a dress, blouse or jeans dosn't fit, I wouldn't buy it or change my body shape to fit in it. I don't wear heels as I'm to lazy to work elegant in my shoes ;)

Rebecca said...

I love the scenery in your posts today!

While picking up a prescription at the pharmacy yesterday, I noticed a display of Dr. Scholl's shoes--folded up in their own little carrying case to change out when the high heels get too painful! I didn't take them out of the case, but they looked like ballet slippers...

Please may I? said...

For me it's when I'm cold. I hate to be cold. I can never understand the folk you see dressed lovely but skimpy and obviously cold! Ever year my youngest gets ill at Christmas and I'm sure thats the reason. So now I just sound like my mother and tell her to put some more clothes on!

X x

Ofelia said...

Sharon, thanks for taking this pictures! They make feel like I'm there with you!!
As always very chic!!!
When it comes to shoes and because of my job I had to wear flat shoes and sandals most of the time!

Perdita Tinsel said...

I can't be cold (or hot/sweaty) and I can't bear uncomfortable labels etc' -ugh. These two are especially vital if I'm working.

I don't think that being smart and comfy are mutually exclusive- a crisp shirt, nice trousers and pumps is a classic work look that is very smart indeed for example.

We are quite lucky with modern fabrics and shoe technology because even heels can be padded and a long-sleeve-tee can be deisgned to be warming or cooling.

WendyB said...

At home I dress like a total slob...usually in gym clothes.

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

I'm sitting here in ugg boots, two cardigans and Mr D's jeans. I think that answers your question ;) xx

mispapelicos said...

I have a pair of boot that are magic: they look good, and easy to walk in.
You look fantastic in all your wonderful finds, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh so jealous.
loving J. aul Gaultier tee. I wish I could see it closer up.

www.janetteria.com said...

You look so chic, darling Sharon!

Seeker said...

Hello my dear, I hope all is great with you and beloved ones.

Well, when it's cold many times I prefer comfort, indeed :-)

And you look wonderful!!!

Have a nice week


Anonymous said...

Comfort takes over style when the weather is not doing so well! especially if its rainy/snowy..yuck!

Miss Neira

Kezzie said...

I think particularly when not feeling well, or when on playground duty!!!! I'm feeling like my tonsils are swollen and sore throated, so I will be shunning my more stylish choices for 'Turquoise day' 'Colour of Wednesday' at school and instead going for something warm and cosy!

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, you look gorgeous.

I don't wear anything too tight so apart from heels I'm always comfortable.

My favourite outfit at home is my Victorian nightie and Uggs! So glamorous!! xx

Winnie said...

This sounds like such a perfect day. I so wish I could just wander around the tower of London...maybe one day when I'm London bound!

Anonymous said...

Oh you look cute!! I live in the country so often fashion takes the back seat we have rattlesnakes and scorpions you have to be careful when walking around out here ~Have a wonderful week!! Love Heather

Unknown said...

Oooh I miss London! The Tower was such a fantastic place to visit (I took classes in British history in college!), and so pretty too.

I love your outfit, esp. the cowboy boots! I'm looking out to find a nice parka too. Comfort takes priority for me when I'm traveling on long trips (esp. those killer 22+ hour airplane trips back home to Asia!) ... but I always try to balance comfort with some kind of style, otherwise I don't feel good. It's not easy to do, but with so many stylish comfortable clothes these days (jeggings, flats, etc.) it's got a lot easier than in the past.


Looks like you had a fun day, dear Sharon.
Your parka looks cool on you.


jess said...

It looks like a fun day. Comfort takes priority when I'm home.

CameronPoe2409 said...

I love your outfit, yet again some fab bargains! Winter was so harsh I lived in jeans and uggs for comfort and warmth, plus they were the only practical things to wear for walking the dogs! At home I like to put on my pjs and lounge about at home after work but I do need to invest in some nice loungewear! xx

vint junky said...

The parka is perfect, and you still look stylish!
I'm a slob first thing when i'm taking the kiddo to nursery, total bag lady. Then i come back to pick her up transformed...i'm sure they wonder ;)

Grumpy old man said...

Hi, love the outfit, I think the cowboy boots are super cool.

Thanks for dropping a line on my last post, it was great hearing from you. Thanks also for the kind words.

Take care and be good.

Style At Every Age said...

Comfort takes over when the snow is on the ground for me! Clashing Wellies, scarves and hats!

Sixthirtythree said...

Sometimes when I know the place I'm going will be freezing, I opt out of looking cute, so I can be warm and comfortable and wear a jacket and a sweater.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all the lovely comments, so much appreciated xx


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