
Happy Mothers Day!!!

Hi everyone, hope you're all having a lovely Sunday and for all the mums and grandmas out there, Happy Mothers Day to you All!!

My day started off very early, we were up and out by 7.30 to the local boot sale and the morning was gloriously sunny and perfect for finds and people watching whilst eating my breakfast there.

Then back home to see my boys, who made sure I had a card from each of them, plus a lovely teddy bear, a candle and some flowers-aah, my boys are so gorgeous!!

Lovely hubby had given me some money to treat myself and I found a lovely vintage sequin top on my travels which has peacock feathers on each shoulder:

So this was my pressie of choice, always clothes!!

We've had a lovely day, we visited St Katherines Dock, The Tower of London where we had a wander and then we stopped for a quick drink before taking a leisurely drive to Hampstead and a tour of their charity shops and some lunch.

I'm now back home and relaxing after being on the go, but its been such a wonderful day.

Wishing you all a good week ahead and heres hoping the sun stays with us too!! xxx


Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Sounds like a gorgeous day, and I love your new top - I've always had a fondness for peacock feathers.

Ivy Black said...

A lovely Mother's Day to you too!
I had a bouquet and a cushion...both brilliant and both sons home for the weekend.
That top is stunning, you'll look the business in it.

Pearl Westwood said...

Your boys are so sweet! What a fab top, I LOVE anything with sequins xx

hippyatheart said...

Dear Sharon, happy Mother's day! Really a great vintage find, peacock feathers are so beautiful! I think the top is the perfect 70s and 80s mixture!

jess said...

The top is so lovely.

FairyFiligree said...

That sounds like having been a very exciting day - oh & I like the header pictures on your blog.... lots of outfits!

mispapelicos said...

You are a girl after my own heart. When in doubt, always choose clothes,hehehe. I am in love with that top, ahhhhhhhhhhhh
I want to see you wearing it very soon.
HAPPY MOTHER´S DAY. my dear friend.

Veshoevius said...

Love that top - what a find! Happy Mother's day!

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

What a lovely day Sharon, and that top is fabulous xx

Please may I? said...

Happy mothers day Sharon. Glad you've had a good one

That top is stunning.

X x

Rebecca said...

I've never seen ANYthing like that beautiful top, Sharon! What a stunning piece!

(I checked our U.S.A. calendar to be sure I hadn't missed something...Your Mother's Day falls a little over a month before ours!)

Louise Mc said...

Your day sounds like it's been lovely, and how cute of your boys with all of your Mother's day goodies. I love the sequinned top, I think peacock feathers are great, especially when they sparkle too.

Have a great week.


Helga said...

Hurrah for a lovely Mother's Day!
LOVE that sequin top!

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

The top is an amazing find. Looks like you had a marvellous Mother's day :)

I love St Katherine's Dock. I was raised in a block just around the corner from there and always found it a peaceful place to walk around when I was stressed.

Pratishtha Durga said...

Sounds like you had a lovely day. What a beautiful find. I so envy you sometimes for your inherent knack for finding these lovelies.

Caroline said...

Fabulous top, Sharon. Glad you had a lovely Mother's Day x

Ofelia said...

Happy Late Mothers Day to you!!!
Great gifts, something made and something bought!
Your family knows you well!!
Have a great week ahead!!

Make Do Style said...

Glad you had a fab day - gorgeous top!! xx

Smashingbird said...

Sounds like you had a lovely day. x

Budget Chic said...

I hope you are having a wonderful day dear and what a lovely top, that was a real find.

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, I'm so glad you had a great day.

The top is gorgeous! I have a thing about peacock feathers too. I bought a bonkers coat, I must blog it. Love C xx

MosaMuse said...

love love love this shirt!


Sharon said...

Hi everyone-such lovely comments, thanking you all so much xx

Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day! ^_^ In the U.S. our Mother's Day is in May ... when I get to be a mother myself! It's one of my fave occasions. We've already got my mother some pretty jewelry, which she loves. Can't wait!

I loooove your sequin top! I go crazy over vintage sequin tops! I have one that I'm still waiting for the right occasion to wear (has to be rather dressy and formal and parties are so super casual around here ... sigh). I can't wait to see you modeling your top though!

vint junky said...

Gorrrrgeous top. Really heavilly embellished, it looks beautiful and weighty

Style At Every Age said...

What a lovely top, so glad you had a super day xx


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