
Chilling After the Wedding

The Royal Wedding was absolutely fantastic, I adored Kates dress, loved the whole ceremony, the build up, the kisses and the drive in the Aston Martin-a really stunning occasion and I wish them all the success in their marriage.

Anyhow, late afternoon saw hubby and I wanting to get away for some sun and solitude, so we went to a country park not too far away for a walk through the woods and the fields and a chance just to chill and relax and soak up some sunshine.

I'm wearing double denim-it wasn't exactly a style choice, more that my jacket was the nearest to get to as I was going out. Mind you, I quite like the look when different washes are worn together. My jacket is a Levis for Girls, thrifted at the boot sale a few weeks ago. I'm also wearing my newly thrifted skinny flares by Miss Sixty, they are my new favourites. They are super soft, super flarey and so comfortable!!

A bad hair day meant wearing a scarf, which worked well considering it was quite windy and made a good cover up from the sun too!!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and for all of us in the UK, its a nice long one-again!!


hippyatheart said...

you look great and combining different washes is great! Kate's dress was soooo adorable, I wish I was there. Have a wonderful, long weekend, my dear :)

Ofelia said...

You look very cool and comfortable. I just came home and I just finished watching the re-runs. It was quite lovely and everyone looked their best!
Have a lovely weekend,

FairyFiligree said...

Wow!! That scarf really suits you - but really suits you. You should wear one more often. You look terribly chique!

mispapelicos said...

I love the wedding too.
You look so nice my friend.

Please may I? said...

What a day eh! It all went fantastical well and I enjoyed it immensely!

Yet again you look fab hun. Loving the double denim going on. Aren't scarves great? You look stunning in yours. They not only looks fab and add a chic feel but as you said hide a multitude of sins!

Have a great weekend.

X x

Please may I? said...

What a day eh! It all went fantastical well and I enjoyed it immensely!

Yet again you look fab hun. Loving the double denim going on. Aren't scarves great? You look stunning in yours. They not only looks fab and add a chic feel but as you said hide a multitude of sins!

Have a great weekend.

X x

vint junky said...

Well, the scarf looks great, bad hair day or not ;)
Loved kate's dress too. Sarah Burton done a stellar job, it couldn't have been more perfect


Vix said...

You look stunning in your denim outfit. I can't believe you ever have a bad hair day, it's looking lovely and so long, too!
I'm just browsing the internet for the wedding outfits. Didn't Nick Clegg's wife look amazing? Definately my favourite. xxx

Ella said...

that scarf looks lovely on you! i watched all the wedding festivities yesterday and it was just wonderful! xx

Amandamarie said...

denim on denim is coming back! you look great in this relaxed look :)


Seeker said...

OMG dear, you look so GREAT!!!!!

I bet the weeding must have been very exciting... :)

By the way I’m hosting a giveaway on my blog, drop by you might find it interesting and enter, thanks.


Style At Every Age said...

Loving your skinny flares! Yes the wedding was utterly fab!

www.janetteria.com said...

Cool look, Sharon!


Unknown said...

LOVE the skinny flares! It's my favorite jeans shape and I'm so happy that the '70s look is returning! I like very flared jeans more than skinny jeans.

Love the scarf too! :o)

Smashingbird said...

Great outfit - wish I could do denim!

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, I loved the wedding, her dress was beautiful.

You look fab! Love the flares and the scarf. Hope you're enjoying the weather and one more day off, hope it's sunny again, love, C xx

WendyB said...

Ooh, is it time for me to do another double denim post? I keep meaning to...

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for stopping by with your fab comments, so lovely of you all!! xxx

SabinePsynopsis said...

The flares look great on you, Sharon. I wish I was a big taller, so they would look okay on me - you just pull them off marvellously. xo

Rebecca said...

I agree with all the others! You look SO wonderful here -

I LONG to "double denim" again. I don't want to whine, but I have plenty of it in my closet that I don't fit into right now. I'm reluctant to buy "new", however, so it may be awhile before I post myself in it.


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