
Thrift Inspiration, Carrie Vintage Style

Hi everyone!! Wishing you all a very Happy and Peaceful Easter.

This weekend I was inspired yet again by Carrie's vintage dresses. Sex and The City started in the 90s and each season there are many of her looks and outfits that I find so inspirational.

My favourite look are her simple vintage slip dresses:

SATC Season 4 vintage dress

SATC Season 4 vintage dress

SATC Season 2, Carries $7 vintage dress

A recent boot sale find was this cream vintage slip dress, which like Carries white floral one-picture one, is quite sheer, but a perfect summer vintage day dress

I'm wearing flat silver sandals and a Topshop denim jacket, thrifted last year

What type of dresses are inspiring you for summer day and evening wear this year?


Ofelia said...

I think this is my all time favorite outfit on you. Is very summery, classic, delicate at very up to the 2011 Spring trends.

Pearl Westwood said...

I adore Carrie too and have these very images saved, she really brought vintage to life for me. Your dress is erfect for summer and the silver sandals look wonderful xx

CameronPoe2409 said...

That dress is so pretty on you! I love Carrie's style, my favourite season was Number 5 when she had her hair cut into a bob. Have a lovely Easter! xx

mispapelicos said...

I am so glad to know that you love Sex and The City as much as i do.Always inspiring and fantastic. Especially the 2 first seasons.
I see it is getting really warm in Englad for wearing sandals.
Lovely dress with a touch of denim.
Have a lovely Easter break, my friend.

hippyatheart said...

wow, very halston heritage! you look fab and I love how you break the posh look with the relaxerd denim jacket!

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Gorgeous look, perfect for this crazy early summer weather we're having. I love the Carrie outfits you've chosen, she definitely looks best in vintage.

Please may I? said...

what a classic style. looks lovely.

Happy Easter.

X x

Make Do Style said...

Love the look on you! xx

Vix said...

You outdo Carrie, my dear! That dress is so pretty on you, made edgy with the denim jacket. xxx

SabinePsynopsis said...

SATC was always full of stylish inspiration and your dress is perfect for the lovely weather!

Happy Easter, Sharon! xo

Louise Mc said...

I love Carrie's SATC style too, I loved that she was experimental and different. Your dress is a great summer find.

Happy Easter. x

Rebecca said...

Sharon, YOUR dress is beautiful - (and I'm a huge denim jacket fan)!

I will be in the market for a dress in a few weeks. Currently, I'm more comfortable in 2 piece outfits, but there's nothing like a beautiful, well-fitting dress.

Seeker said...

Oh my dear, you look so beautiful, so stylish and trendy. Love it!!!

(I just envy your sun.... here it's still so cold :S )

Hope you had a nice and blessed Easter.


Unknown said...

I have been drooling over those first two of Carrie's vintage dresses for as long as I can remember, lol! Especially the dark one with the pink floral print. Siiiigh!

I absolutely love your vintage dress find! The shape is just wonderful. I've been in love with summer dresses for years now -- to me there just perfect. I'm trying to wear more dresses now, during the last months of pregnancy, because the weather's warming up over here. To me there's just nothing like a great dress! :o)

www.janetteria.com said...

Love Ur dress, darling S and I agree - totally love Carrie's dresses! Absolutely inspired!!!

Happy Easter to you and your family!

Smashingbird said...

That's a very pretty dress, I am also after something light and floaty for summer.

Winnie said...

Oooh vintage slip dresses are perfect for the weather at the moment. Very inspired! Love how you've worn your dress with the denim blazer, it looks perfect together!

Helga said...

I lov the first and second frocks! I always found they way they dressed carrie inspriational,even if I didn't specifically like it!
I miss light summery frocks over winter.........poo!

Kezzie said...

Oooh, it's LOVELY! I also love Carrie's black one! If you ever see such a one in size 8 in your east london (that's where I am!)thrifting adventures, DO let me know!!! ;-)

Seeker said...

Thanks for your comment dear. I must learn and move on.....

Pratishtha Durga said...

Love the look. The sandals look so awesome. I am such a fan of good denim jackets.

Anonymous said...

You look wonderful as always! I especially like this look on you because it's so easy and stylish. Well done!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-such wonderful and kind comments, thanks so very much to you all!! xxx

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, I love your dress! Carrie's dresses you've chosen are fabulous. Very simple and stylish.

As you know I live in dresses, I have lots of summer ones I've never or hardly worn. I'm going to hunt down some bargain boho statement jewellery to jazz them up for my holiday xx

vint junky said...

awww i LOVED 90s carrie!
the dress and washed out denim is perfect hon


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