
My Summer.............In Pictures

In a completely random order, my favourite memories of summer.............


Charlotte said...

Hey! These people all look so friendly and nice. Must be a perfect summer for you.
Ah, about the Alexander McQueen leather jeans: There's a fake leather jeans which looks exactly the same at ZARA.

Sharon said...

Hi Charlotte-yes, a great summary of summer for me!! Thanks for the Zara tip too, I'll try and check this out!!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Sharon, your summer is amazing! Love all your shots!

Hugs from Angel.

Always In Style said...

Ooooh - I am living through you vicariously - what a lovely summer!

Sharon said...

Hi angel-thanks so much, my dear!!

Hi always in style-yes, some great memories here, thanks a lot!!

WendyB said...

I'm honored that I made it in!

Anonymous said...

1. Could you BE any more photogenic?

2. Any chance you'd like to swap lives? The Minnesota winters aren't nearly as bad as they say.*

*OK yes they are.


Hi Sharon,

I love these summer pics!


Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-that day was a major highlight-a truly excellent day and evening!!

Hi Sal-oh how lovely, thanks a lot!! Mind you, I think I'll take my chances with the British weather, if you don't mind!!

Hi acielle-thanks so much my dear!!

Ashleigh said...

gorgeous pictures and your sons are such sweeties!!! =)

jess said...

It looks like you had such a fun summer!

MakeupByRenRen said...

what great pics! u look fab in all of them :) are those ur sons? so handsome!

Sharon said...

Hi Ashleigh-so lovely, thanks a lot!!

Hi jess-Yes, I've had a great one, thanks!!

Hi ren-thanks so much and yes the boys are mine, except the last but one picture is Robert with our next door neighbours son!!

Siljesfashion said...

Looks like a fabolous summer Sharon!!


LOve your black skinny jeans. Looks like you paired them with nude strappy sandals. Nice work:)


Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks a lot, I needed a recap of what lovely times there was!!

Hi culture creators-thanks so much for your lovely comment!!

Anonymous said...

I love these. So warm, so delightful, so happy!

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos, seems like a great holiday!

Tricia said...

wonderful, and looking great all summer long!

Angela said...

you had such a wonderful summer.

Rice and Beans Vintage said...

How much fun! Great photos, fashion, & family.

Sharon said...

Hi p-thanks so much my dear!!

Hi b-yes, really nice, thanks!!

Hi fashion herald-so kind, thanks a lot!!

Hi savvy gal-it was really lovely, thanks!!

Hi rice and beans vintage clothing-Thanks a lot, it was very nice indeed!

ellie said...

you guys take some great pictures. love that first one of you. so many pretty dresses.

thank you for the comment. all the best at the end of summer.

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-thanks so much and you have a great day!!

Make Do Style said...

No - it's almost official that the summer is over! Great pics and your boys are so cute and fine with the blogging!

Sharon said...

Hi kate-yes, summer is indeed over for us already :-(
Yes, the boys don't seem to mind having their photos on the blog, although Chris prefers going on here very rarely!!

Arielle said...

wow. Looks like you had a great summer. I love the white dress in the first picture

Sharon said...

Hi arielle-thanks so much for your lovely comment!!

♔Jaimie said...

what a great summer, sharon!

Sharon said...

Hi jaimie-thanks so much!!

Couture Carrie said...

Fun! Especially love the pics of the fam :)


Sharon said...

Hi couture carrie-thanks so much my dear!!

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

Is that St Catherine's Dock in East London where the boats are? I love it there.

You always look vintage as heck, and you make it look effortless.

Anonymous said...

cute picturesss.
looks like you had a good summer :)

Sharon said...

Hi miss victory-yes, it is St Catherines Dock-a rediscovered place for us, this summer-its really gorgeous here!!

Hi jenny-yes, it was really great, thanks!

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

I'm impressed with all that sunshine. Looks like you were the only person the UK sun was shining on this summer.

Sharon said...

Hi imelda-thanks!! I really seized on the days we had hot weather as I knew they would be few and far between!

Anonymous said...

Great impressions! Looks like you had a lovely summer.

Unknown said...

Sigh ... seeing these photos bring back happy memories of Europe in the summer. How I wish I was there right now (it's like an oven here in northern California, and we're all pretty much stuck indoors as a result).

Your boys look like such sweet young men. I always enjoy seeing family pictures. :)

Sharon said...

Hi nadine-thanks, it was great!!

Hi anchibride-thanks for your lovely comment, I wish it was hot here too!!

Marian said...

love the images!i think ive fallen in love with your blog as i love rummaging in charity shops and at boot sales too!


Sharon said...

Hi marian-thanks for taking time out to read my other posts-much appreciated!! Love how you love thrifting too!!

Marian said...

hallo again Darling! no thanks needed dear,your blogs addictive to a boot sale and charity shop lover like me! hehehe usually the hubby hates going with me. so its terrific to meet someone on cyber space who enjoys it just as much as I do.Just added you unto my list of blogs I heart! We should so go thrifting together some day,what fun that would be!

Sharon said...

Hi marian-its great to meet someone in the UK who loves it too!! yes, we will have to go shopping one day-I'm on a slow down though, due to too much summer spending, need to get back on track again!!


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