
My 'Oh I Wish, List' From Net A Porter

Yes, I'm coveting these items as part of a 'capsule wardrobe' for Autumn-honestly, just these 7 pieces will do....................click on my title to discover your 'Oh, I Wish, List too'

Missoni Coat, £1705
Christian Louboutin, £415

Thomas Wylde, £1375

Missoni Miami Dress, £600
Fendi belt, £335
Chloe Shirt, £1480

Alexander McQueen leather jeans, £1490


Robin said...

Ooh, I love the first jacket and the fendi belt

Sharon said...

Hi robin-oh yes, me too!!


Add me to the list, I covet them as well! ;) Love it. xx

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-yes, if only I had that £10k spare!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with the nude pumps from louboutin! Perfect!

Angela said...

hi S, i heart missoni dress. so pretty. : )

Couture Carrie said...

Leather pants are a MUST for fall! And I love the lining of that Missoni coat!
Great picks, Sharon :)


Make Do Style said...

I'm taking the shoes, missoni dress and the belt - ta! Metaphorically speaking.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful picks! Especially that lush Missoni coat.

MakeupByRenRen said...

whoa those prices are insane...i wish i wish, lol

WendyB said...

Leather jeans! Nice!


I want those leather pants :-)


Mónica said...

I love the Missoni dress, is adorable, but too expensive

AsianCajuns said...

Oh, great picks! I love those leather jeans, and every time I see a Louboutin heels I drool. And those skull buckles on the Wylde boots are awesome!

Wendy said...

The Thomas Wylde boots are frickin badass!

Anonymous said...

wow wow wow. . .

this is why i do not dare to read fash mags or click on net a porter. i'd stay riveted for hours, just wanting to buy everything.

Angela said...

i adore the missoni dress. so savvy! drooling!

Sharon said...

Hi nadine-yes, they're gorgeous!!

Hi savvy-yes, me too-a great example of a maxi!!

Hi couture carrie-thanks, I wish they were coming to me, haha!!

Hi kate-oh yes, these are so covetable!!

Hi sal-that coat is really nice!!

Hi ren-yes, what a shame:-(

Hi wendy-they're gorgeous and would go with everything!!

Hi acielle-yes, me too!!

Hi atelier-yes, most covetable, I love it!

Hi asiancajuns-oh yes, I'd happily have all of these!!

Hi wendy-yes, too true!!

Hi p-yes, the prices are sky high, but the items do give great inspiration, I think!!

Hi savvy-oh, I wish it were mine, haha!!

Cate said...

hi sharon! i've come back from holiday yesterday! oh, i wish for those louboutins and the mcQueen leatehr jeans!

Sharon said...

Hi cate-welcome home!! Yes, I'd love these too!!

Rice and Beans Vintage said...

I love every piece, especially the boots!

Sharon said...

Hi rice and beans vintage clothing-yes, all so covetable!

Always In Style said...

Pant pant pant...that's the sound of me hyperventilating....don't get me started on Net-A-Porter - such lovely things and no money to buy any of it!

Sharon said...

Hi always in style-too right, I am so coveting these!!

Tricia said...

oh the thomas wylde boots are torture.

Sharon said...

Hi fashion herald-haha, too true!!


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