
Go for Gold!!

Gold is an obvious investment and this Mulberry Mabel bag, £876 from Net-A-Porter, is a seriously blingly investment item, if you can afford to splash the cash. Gold, silver or bronze handbags never go out of fashion and are ideal for this time of the year and the height of summer, to really lift an outfit. Earlier this year, I bought this J for Jasper Conran gold leather bag for £38. I've only just started using it, as it really lifts an outfit in the gloomy wet and cold weather. It will also be ideal for trips out in summer too, with vintage summer dresses.

Do you go for gold with your accessories this season?


FB @ FabulouslyBroke.com said...

I am normally not a fan of gold, but I suddenly like old gold.. kind of bronzed kind of gold..

SO the last bag in the pic is ideal :D

Fabulously Broke in the City
Just a girl trying to find a balance between being a Shopaholic and a Saver...

Sharon said...

Hi fabulously broke-yes, I also like a more subtle gold, thanks!

Skye said...

Your bag is very pretty, and ideal for banishing a bit of winter gloom. I live on the Gold Coast so you'd think I'd have lots of gold accessories, but I overdosed on them a few years ago and not ready to go back yet.

Seeker said...

How I love your bag, my dear!!!
I've been looking for a metallic bag, that isn't too shiny if you know what I mean. I was thinking of a silver gray bag, I'm hopping to see one on sale maybe....

Have a gorgeous and Happy New Year


Winnie said...

I like subtle gold too but sometimes there is an inexplicable need for an outrageously blingy gold bag...!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon Rose,

I like the golden colour in an evening bag and a clutch rather, but your bag fantastic. :)I feel...I am pale to the gold colour. BUT: your skin with gold colour combination is perfect.

xoxo: Janet

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

I just acquired a silver clutch and I'm not sure about it. Your gold bag looks great. You will have to take a photo with one of your outfits so I can get some inspiration.

WendyB said...

I always approve of gold!

Mónica said...

definitely I can't. But I am currently saving for the Bayswater, I love that bag! I would buy in gold only if I'd be a lot of money, because in 2 years it would be totally out... Happy New Year;)

the healthy ghost said...

Yes earrings or bracelets Happy N Year¡

Marian said...

both the mulberry and J for jasper conran bags are delish my dear.metallics are perfect for this gloomy weather! i know you will be looking great with yours.
happy new year dear!
muah x

Anonymous said...

i love your picks! i'm personally more of a silver person :)

La C.

Sharon said...

Hi skye-I love gold, but won't go overboard on it, the JC bag is just enough for me!

Hi the seeker-thanks and good luck on your search for one!

Hi winnie-yes, there are certainly some out there, haha!

Hi janettaylor-thanks and yes, I agree, a clutch is perfect in gold!

Hi lenya-I'll try and do that soon, the silver clutch sounds lovely!

Hi wendy-yes, I know you a have a real love of gold, LOL!

Hi atelier-look forward to seeing your new bag!

Hi the healthy ghost-yes, great choices!

Hi marian-thanks for your lovely comment and happy new year too!

Hi lacouturiernyc-funnily enough, in jewellery I am too!

christina said...

I'm very very much into gold. I agree with everything you've said about it! It's a great investment and really dresses up your look.

Sharon said...

Hi christina-thanks my dear, it never goes out of style either.

Make Do Style said...

Have a happy new year with lots of gold!!

Sharon said...

Hi kate-Happy new Year to you too my dear!

Siljesfashion said...

Love Gold accessories. Hope you and your family have a wonderful evening tonight. Happy New Year!!

MakeupByRenRen said...

i love gold...i think it goes so nicely with tan and darker toned skin...happy new year hon!

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks for your lovely comment and wishing you a happy new year too!

Hi ren-thanks my dear and happy new year to you too!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, never. I'm silvertone all the way, and actually don't own a pewter or silver metallic bag. Well, yet. ;)

Have a LOVELY new year, beautiful!!

Sharon said...

Hi Sal-silver is an excellent choice for accessories! Happy New Year my dear!

yiqin; said...

Gold is sucha classy color :) Love it! Happy New Year!

Jen said...

That is one expensive handbag!! Happy New Year :)

Sharon said...

Hi yiqin-thanks my dear and to you too!

Hi pretty little pictures-isn't it!!! I'd rather have the money in my purse, haha! Happy new year!

{Tara} said...

I'm dying to try something over-the-top, like gold shoes, stockings, skirt, and accessories ;) This is definitely a year for gold -- ironic since the economy is in the drains!

Sharon said...

Hi tara-yes, the right piece or pieces can really jazz up an outfit!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for this tips


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